Student voice matters!

Student Leadership

Oscar H
Oscar H

Oscar Hagarty

SRC - Year 10

School Council Student Representative


The SRC have been working extremely diligently this semester, and can be congratulated on achieving their goals. 

This year, the SRC has had the chance to attend a Youth Leadership Program. Certain members of the SRC volunteered to attend this conference, where we were talked to by a series of speakers and had the chance to talk to other leadership-minded students from other schools across Victoria. Through this event, the SRC learned about leadership styles, and what it means to be a leader.

On Thursday 21st March, the SRC organised events for Harmony Day, organising events such as the Brunswick Secondary pledge wall. On this day, the SRC collected donations from the school, which turned out to be an extreme success, with the school raising $1224.30 for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, more than the school has ever raised for a single cause on one day. Throughout the rest of the year, the SRC will continue to organise feature days where students will have more chances to donate to this foundation.

Throughout Terms 1 & 2, members of the SRC organised and assisted in three separate student forums, surveying year 11-12s, 9-10s and 7-8s. Through these forums, the SRC was informed on what the community is mostly concerned about, and what they think needs to change. A thank you to all those who attended and participated in these forums, and those in the SRC who organised and ran these forums.

Student Forums

Ella Pagliaro

Year 8

As reported in the last issue of the Brunswick star, the SRC conducted Student Forums in Term 1. An additional forum was run early this term too. 

Student forums are designed for students across our school to give feedback on several areas including wellbeing services, inclusivity, discrimination and bulling, Work Practices, infrastructure, school/life balance, teaching and learning and Home Group. These topics were put on butchers’ paper and students went around and added their thoughts and comments on each area. These included both positive and negative responses as well as ways the school could address certain issues. All of the data from the forums was collated, shared and discussed with Ms Harris. 

The SRC, Ms Goss and Ms Harris will now work together to address some of the issues raised and will start taking action. 

The SRC thanks all the students in 7-12 who gave feedback as part of these forums.



Casual Clothes Day

Coming up this term we will have a casual clothes day on the Friday June 21. On this day there will also be a barbeque which will be available to everyone to enjoy.