Year 7 Camp

Highlights & Reflections

Barbara Moss

Year 7 Level Coordinator


Year 7 students and staff enjoyed a fabulous week at Lady Northcote Recreation Camp (Eynesbury) during the final week of Term 1. Being blessed with wonderful weather simply added to the lovely ‘vibe’ at the camp.


The three-day residential camp includes team-building games and activities to encourage an understanding of the natural environment, develop team work and form social connections with their peers and teachers at Brunswick's Secondary College. 


The experience provides a critical role in easing Year 7 students transition from primary school to secondary school. As such, this year the Camp program was re-jigged to consciously focus on the theme of ‘Making Connections’. 

Click on the photos to enlarge.


Personal Highlights

Mirko B
Abbie T
Viv GK
Ollie M
Katie T
Elise P
Mirko B
Abbie T
Viv GK
Ollie M
Katie T
Elise P

Mirko Black - 7B

 High ropes was fun because I got to step out of my comfort zone.

Abbie Tucker - 7B

Playing basketball with my friends because I liked connecting with other people and running around.

Viv Gilbert-Koska - 7C

I think the cabins were the highlight because I was with all my friends and we could do our own thing and talk.

Ollie McRae - 7K

The giant swing because when I did it, I had an adrenaline rush and I remembered it for the rest of the camp.

Cleaver Brinsmead - 7K

Bike riding was my highlight because i got to ride a bike and chat with my friends.

Katie Tuckett - 7B

My highlight from Year 7 camp was friendship bracelets. This was my highlight because I got to meet new people.

Elise Parthanos - 7K

My highlight from Year 7 Camp was meeting new people that were in my Activity Group and getting to know my cabin group more. This was my highlight because i made new friendships that have not only lasted inside of camp but also at school.

Favourite Activities

Ada L
Henry D
Luca W
Zoe H
Samara F
Luke M
Ada L
Henry D
Luca W
Zoe H
Samara F
Luke M

Ada Lee - 7S

Giant Swing because I was scared to do it, but I wanted to go all the way, so I did, and I had so much fun.

Henry Dixon - 7K

The bikes and the Giant Swing. The bikes because it was adventurous and fun and the Giant Swing because it was a thrilling experience.

Luca Wallis - 7R

Giant Swing because it was thrilling and exhilarating.

Zoe Hudson - 7R

Raft Building, because we learned how to tie good knots and it was a really fun group activity to do with my friends.

Samara Fisher - 7B

The Giant Swing was really fun because I liked the challenge to try and go to the top (which I did).

Luke Minifie - 7C

Archery because I was really good at it and I love it as a sport. I think it is very interesting to shoot a bow and arrow, and the skill.

Facing Challenges

Attila A
Mila Z
liam Z
Maria Z
Eva K
Attila A
Mila Z
liam Z
Maria Z
Eva K

Attilia Agnesi - 7S

Biking was a challenge because I had no idea how to ride a bike and I overcame this by learning how to actually ride one!

Mila Zahara - 7C

Trying to tie a knot in raft building was a big challenge. We overcame this by asking to everybody in our group and found that two of our group members were excellent at this skill and helped us a lot.

Liam Glasson - 7S

Teamwork with people I didn't know. I started knowing more though.

Maria Cull - 7C

I was really scared of the giant swing, but instead of backing out I decided to go to the very top.

Evie Kee - 7C

I was super scared to go on the Giant Swing, but I decided to just give it a go and, in the end, it was so much fun, and I wished I could go again.

I learned …

Benjamin S
Alice D
Eliza D
Ethan S
Gilbert B
James H
Milla R
Benjamin S
Alice D
Eliza D
Ethan S
Gilbert B
James H
Milla R

Benjamin Shippard - 7B

That on the Giant Swing you can make yourself swing.

Alice Davison - 7K

That high school hasn't been easy for a lot of people that I thought were having a great time.

Eliza Dodd - 7C

How to really connect and interact with new people and groups. I also learned how to build a raft.

Ethan Stagg - 7R

That sharing is caring.

Gilbert Berry - 7S

I’m not as afraid of heights as I thought!

James Ho - 7S

I am good at capsizing others, and I enjoy playing Uno.

Milla Ruse - 7K

It’s not that hard to get to know people.