Catholic Identity & Mission News

I’m sure I won’t be the first (or last!) to mention the great success of Harmony Day which was celebrated at the College on Tuesday, March 19. I am fortunate to work across both campuses and so was able to celebrate this day with both the Cranbourne and Clyde North communities – what a joy! The theme of Harmony Day is ‘Everyone belongs’ and in his address to the College community, our Principal, Mr Chris Black, very ably connected this theme to our own annual theme – Do Justice, Love Kindness, and Walk Humbly. It was a connection that was so evident on the day with students celebrating each other, sharing hospitality, and raising important funds for Caritas Australia and their annual Project Compassion campaign. Our VCE Vocational Major students and staff cooked up a storm so that not only were many cultures celebrated but also that our love of food could raise money for those who do not have enough of it.
We are continuing to profile the work of Caritas during Lent and raise funds for Project Compassion. Our Cranbourne Campus are still on their ‘GOAT Challenge’ to be the ‘Greatest of all Tutor Groups’ by raising at least $65 for the purchase of goats for communities in need. At Clyde North, the Houses have been running various lunchtime stalls selling hot cross buns, Zooper Doopers and baked goods as well as Augustine House running their annual staff car wash fundraiser. Many thanks to the House Leaders for coordinating these activities which bring so much life and sense of community to the campus.
In addition, the Clyde North Social Justice group, ably led by Ms Clarisse Campos (Social Justice Coordinator) and Kirsten Canda (Social Justice Captain) are organising an Easter Egg Hunt as a fundraiser in the last week of term. This activity was a big hit last year and while it’s fun and involves chocolate, it also encourages solidarity with those in need because the event runs in the name of Project Compassion. I am also delighted to announce that the College has appointed a new Social Justice Coordinator on the Cranbourne campus, Ms Cathy Michael. Ms Michael is an outstanding educator and a woman of great faith. Working with Alanah Spyrou, our Year 12 Social Justice Captain, I have every confidence that the profile and works of Social Justice will only go from strength to strength in our Cranbourne community.
The term is nearly at an end but already our minds and planning are in early Term 2 when our Year 10 Reflection Days will be held. The Cranbourne Campus Year 10 students and RE Teachers will participate in their Reflection Day on Thursday, April 18 and the Clyde North Campus will enjoy theirs a fortnight later on Tuesday, April 30. These are very important days for our Year 10’s where they can take some time out and spend time together to consider their sense of ‘identity and belonging’. Year 10 students may wear casual clothes on the day and their morning tea and lunch will be provided for them. Parents will receive an Operoo advice in the coming week, but these days are always a highlight, and each year student feedback is taken onboard and so this year, there are some exciting new additions to the program. Watch this space for more updates and information!
Finally, as I sign off for Term 1, I would like to wish all in our College community a happy and Holy Easter. As we journey with Jesus through the events of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday (March 24) to Easter Sunday (March 31), we are taken through a range of emotions from celebration, anticipation, solidarity, sadness, and jubilation. I hope that through all of these you feel the overwhelming love of God, who entered into human history as Jesus of Nazareth, and who sacrificed all so that we could have life to the full. Happy Easter, and Term 1 holidays, to all!
Ms Fiona McKenna
Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity & Mission