From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
It is hard to believe that this edition of the newsletter is the last for this term and that at the end of next week the term one holidays begin.
The commencement of the term one break is particularly significant as we journey through Holy Week and commemorate, at the passion, Christ’s crucifixion followed by Easter Sunday where we celebrate that Christ is risen. For students at St Peter’s College, we mark the most significant week in the Judeo-Christian calendar, Holy week, with a re-enactment of some of the stations of the cross. Our youth ministry students are instrumental in portraying Jesus’ final steps to Calvary and the cross on Good Friday. It is an opportunity to reflect on Jesus last moments where his destiny was centred on giving his life so that we may live. It is unfortunate that the term holidays are placed where they are as students hear of the death of Jesus yet as a school community, we don’t get to celebrate the risen Christ on Easter Sunday. Yes, we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus however the complete story and the core message is one of hope, joy and salvation which occurs on Easter Sunday when indeed we learn again of Christ’s rising. Whilst students miss out on this due to the holiday break yet perhaps our reminder should be an everyday one anyway, one that commences with prayer.
As we enter into Holy week, we are encouraged to find places of stillness and reflect on where we have failed, to offer up these failings to our God, to ask forgiveness and most importantly set our sights on Easter morning where we can once again celebrate the risen Christ and commit to becoming a better person in thought, word and deed.
Harmony Day
An annual event at St Peter’s College is the celebration of Harmony Day. The theme of Harmony Day is "Everyone Belongs". This was beautifully displayed in so many ways during the week as we highlighted the richness which lies from within our community as many cultural heritages merged into a sea of colour, dancing, singing and cultural foods. I will leave to others in this edition to report on the wonderful events associated with the day itself, instead focus on the importance of Harmony Day for our community.
At St Peter’s College we are blessed to have over forty different nationalities. We are in a sense a micro community of diverse cultures and faiths which is reflective of the broader community and world we live in. To be open to learn of the ways and norms of different cultures and how that is reflected in the traditions upheld provides countless opportunities to enrich individuals as well as our collective St Peter’s College community. We are inundated with newsfeeds littered with stories about violence, conflict and the devastation resulting from events both within our control and beyond our sphere of influence. Our young people deserve to be exposed to experiences where hope and respect are central. The message of Harmony Day, everyone belongs, speaks to an intentionality and an expectation founded in the case of our Catholic faith on the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching, respect for the human person, promotion of the family, the individual's right to own property, the common good, subsidiarity, the dignity of work and workers, and pursuit of peace and care for the poor. In essence these seven principles can be summarised in just two words – “Everyone Belongs”.
We at St Peter’s College continue to strive to ensure the theme of Harmony Day is lived out not just on one day a year but every day. Happy Harmony Year!
Southern Independent Schools (SIS) Big Night
Held each year, the SIS Big Night brings together the member schools, to a performance night of music and dance. This is preceded by two prior rehearsal days. This week a number of students represented St Peter’s College at the Drum theatre with distinction in both dance and musical items. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn from each other and to collaborate. St Peter’s College had the responsibility this year of hosting the event. I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate our two “MC’s”, Kendra Bresson and Vasu Kaushal who rose to the occasion and represented the College with distinction.
Important Dates
A reminder of a few important dates:
Discovery Evening (Cranbourne Campus) – March 26
Discovery Evening (Clyde North Campus) – March 27
Please spread the word. These events are critical to ensuring the enrolment process commences for those intending to enrol at St Peter’s College in 2025, 2026 and 2027
March 28 – students finish at 1.30pm
Students return for Term 2 classes on April 16.
Enjoy the week ahead.
Mr Chris Black