Principal's Report 

Dear St A’s Community,



This will be the last newsletter for Term 1!  Next week is the last week of the term, with the students in Prep to Grade 4 finishing at 1:30pm.  Please ensure that arrangements have been made for the collection of your child/ren. Next week we will also enter Holy Week, commencing on Holy Thursday.  Our students will mark this occasion with a Stations of the cross liturgy. 


Over the past 2 weeks  our Grade 3 and Grade 5 students students have been undertaking NAPLAN tests as part of their learning journey. These assessments are an important 'moment in time' opportunity to inform focus areas for future endeavours. Well done to all the students who took part.


For the past few days, I have been at the Victorian Association Catholic Primary School Principal’s conference.  This conference occurs every 2 years and is always a great opportunity to meet with other Catholic School Principals and engage in many learnings.  The 2024 conference journey was inspiring, informing and further equipped me to make a long-term, sustainable and make measurable impact on our students, staff and school community. The program boasted world-renowned speakers who told extraordinary stories of hardship, adversity and triumph.  Sarroo Brieley, Jelena Dokic, Craig Foster and Mitch Tambo were a few of the speakers who delivered incredible tales of their lives and spoke increasingly how adversity in their lives turned into great triumphs.  Thankyou to Emma Ramasamy for leading the school, whilst I was away. 


Today a number of our students represented our school in the District Athletics!  Congratulations to all of our students that competed and tried their very best.  We had a number of successful students, who will move onto the next round.  all the hard work and training is paying off!


Next week our Grade 5/6 students will be heading off to camp at Waratah Beach camp.  This great opportunity for our students, will be a remarkable experience and they will end the school term on a high.   I am lucky enough to be going to camp with the students and I think I am more excited than the students!!  Grade 5/6 students will return on Thursday afternoon and parents will be notified of an exact time, once the buses leave from camp. 


I am very proud of all of our students and can not believe that we are nearly at the end of Term 1.  A big congratulations to our amazing prep superstars who have nearly finished their first term of school.  Only 27 terms of primary school to go!!!!!


Wishing all our community a most blessed Easter. Take care of yourselves and each other.


Show Grace, Be the joy for others and God Bless



Carrie Rodda
