P-6 Art

with Brodie Ralli and Cynthia Jose  

‘Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.’ – Albert Einstein

This term grade 2 students learnt about the famous architect Antoni Gaudi and have explored houses and buildings. Students designed and planned four roofs, doors and windows. A blueprint was then created combining their chosen design. After working hard as  an architect students then became the builders to create their paper bag house. 

Lily from 2A worked creatively to design a variety of roofs, doors and windows. She was able to choose her favourite designs when creating her house blueprint.

Students in 2B have been working hard to bring their designs to life. Front gardens have been considered in the building phase. 

In grade 4 we have been busy learning about paper as an art material and have explored a variety of skills and techniques that can be used when working with paper such as ways to join and sculpt paper. Students have been busily working to create a paper portrait. They are looking fantastic! 

Here is a selection of work being created by year 4 students. So many varying paper techniques have been used to create these fabulous portraits. 


Cathy has been working in lots of grade 4 classes and has been supporting many students to complete our current project. Cathy enjoyed learning about paper and even made her own paper portrait for homework. Can you see the resemblance? I think Cathy has nailed it!






In grade 6 we have been exploring the work of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and explored how to present identity concepts when creating portraits. Students have explored complementary colours and discussed how varying colours can affect the feelings expressed in an artwork. 



Wednesday Lunchtime Art Club


Art Room Requests –

Throughout the year, the art room will be on the hunt for resources that you may have floating around the house. If you are willing to donate these items to Art Room 1, Miss Ralli and Mrs Jose will gladly accept. 

Do you have?

  • Scratched CDs
  • Odd scraps of wool or balls of wool
  • Fabric/material scraps
  • Cardboard cylinders (such as baking paper rolls) – excludes toilet rolls