Student Gallery

Foundation to Year 2 students finished their unit on rhyme. Students then proudly read their writing to each other. Students have been writing to entertain. It was great to see the progression from rhyming words to rhyming sentences and books to poetry.
Year 5 and 6 students attended a build a boat day which is a try-out day for our school solar program. Students worked in small teams to build a solar boat.
Harmony Day
Mark Lumley visited the school last week and spoke to all year levels on a range of topics including kinship and connection, the age of trees, what the land at SSPS was like before it was built, using plants for medicine and land management practices.
Fluency Reading in Year 1
Year 1's using their writers notebooks to write some rhyming sentences from our rhyming seed pages.
Year 2 crayon resist and food dye artwork.
Year 5 Faberge egg inspired art designs.
Year 1 students had an Easter egg hunt. They then tallied up their eggs and made a graph of their results.
More Camp Out photos.