Parents' Association

Athletics Day
The weather was just perfect for the Year 3-6 athletics day at Central Reserve last Friday. Congratulations to everyone who competed; it was fantastic to see students do their best at each of the events.
Every year, the PA hand out icy poles to all the participants. It’s a nice treat in the middle of the day and helps to make the day even more memorable. This year, students had a choice between lemonade, raspberry and cola-flavoured Bulla Icy Pops. I think lemonade won the popularity contest, with cola a close second.
Easter Hampers
We have completed the Easter Hamper wrapping in preparation for the big Easter Raffle on Thursday morning. We have over 35 prizes to give away so you have a 1 in 10 chance of winning. Thank you to everyone who donated eggs and Easter gifts and a very special thank you to the PA members, helpers and students who worked so hard to wrap all the hampers on Monday afternoon.
First prize is a big washing basket of Easter eggs, activity books and gifts along with a 4 person pass to Silver’s Circus. Tickets are $1 each and money raised will go towards the landscaping of the gardens around the new building.
Good luck!