The Syndal Stars focus for the last two weeks of term is “I T.H.I.N.K Before I speak”. As part of our school value of Respect, there is a T.H.I.N.K poster in each class:
In Foundation, students have discussed what it means to be a kind friend. They have explored the concept of being a compassionate friend and have learned about the importance of using kind words and gestures. This includes greeting friends warmly, demonstrating good manners and being willing to apologise when necessary.
In Years 1 and 2, students had class discussions about the T.H.I.N.K poster and unpacked the meanings of each word in the acronym. Throughout the term, teachers have been referring back to it when issues arise and roleplaying using the strategy in different situations.
In Years 3 and 4, students have discussed the importance of T.H.I.N.King before we speak, with relevance to effectively managing our emotions, instead of letting our emotions control our thinking and actions. We have brainstormed and role-played different strategies that can be implemented to ensure a safe learning environment where students feel safe and happy, and are respectful and kind towards others.
In Years 5 and 6, students have role-played a variety of friendship scenarios and then reflected and discussed each part of the T.H.I.N.K poster. At the end of the lesson we spoke about if it isn’t kind it shouldn’t be said. Our communication should be thoughtful as we should treat others how we would like to be treated.