Across Flick's Desk 

Principal's Report

Hi Parents, 

Welcome back to Term 2. Everyone has settled onto the term seamlessly and it’s been wonderful to see so many happy faces. This is a busy term and with the cold weather we need to make sure we are rugged up so that we don’t get sick. Lets hope that Oliver can bring back a little bit of sunshine with him when he returns. 


Yesterday we had a great day in the rain at Yarra Junction. It was fabulous to see so many of our students wearing family medals and joining us on the march. The students showed such pride and respect when representing our school yesterday, through some very difficult circumstances and I could not have been prouder of them. 


As we know this is such an important time for us to remember all the Australian and New Zealand people that have served our countries, students have also spent time this week learning and reflecting on ANZAC day. This was a piece written by Lachie in grade 5:


The ANZAC biscuit 

I am waiting for my dad. 

he is at war.

I am waiting for him to come home. 

I sent a ANZAC biscuit so he will be happy. 

I am waiting to come home to see my beautiful son and my loving wife.

I am waiting for my loving husband to come home and spend time with me and our son.

I thank you my wife and son I will enjoy this ANZAC biscuit while I can.

Less we forget .  


I was so excited this week to be able to open another section of the school, the new playground out the front. We had our first official dance party there on Wednesday and all the students got to play on the new playground. 


The hall is also nearly done. We have some pinboards going in today and we are then waiting on the new floor to be laid. The ramps and garden beds are taking shape and the landscaper tells me that we should have grass in the next few days (apparently it is some magic grass seeds) so I cant wait to hopefully have some grass on Monday. 


The final piece to this puzzle are the basketball courts. As I am sure you have all noticed the asphalt is now down and the basketball/netball rings are in. We are now just waiting on the coating (which is blue) and line marking.  We are so close to being done and I cannot wait to finally show you inside the hall.

Curriculum Days 

Remember we have 2 curriculum days coming up on Friday 3rd May and then Friday 17th May. The teachers will be busy learning on these days and they are PUPIL FREE DAYS. 


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to another big week of learning!