A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents and Carers,


Term 1 -Wrap

What an amazing start to the year. The only thing to be is thankful! We have enjoyed so many incredible highlights this Term. I recommend you take the time in the school holidays to look at our Facebook page to relive some of the wonderful faith, learning and social experiences of the Term. Congratulations to all for your contribution to making the term so successful. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful community.


Almighty Father, it is Your will for us to give thanks to You always and in all things. Lord, we thank You for creating within each person the capacity for learning and for teaching. Thank You for educators and students who are growing in wisdom, understanding and knowledge.


Multicultural- Harmony Day

Our Multicultural Harmony Day celebration yesterday was such a delight. I enjoyed chatting to the families who joined us for our lunchtime picnic. The assembly in the afternoon was sheer joy. The students, under the guidance of their teachers, learnt all sorts of cultural songs, poems and dances as well as counting in different languages. It was a great celebration of diversity and appreciation of the multicultural nature of our community. The children dressed up beautifully. We are truly appreciative of the contribution of parents who made classroom visits and those who came to the picnic and assembly. 

Term 2- Mothers' Day

We will start Term 2 in our Winter uniform with flexibility, if it is very warm, to wear Summer uniform up until Mothers' Day. From Week 3 everyone must wear Winter uniform. The students will have an opportunity to purchase a Mothers' Day Gift at the Stall on Monday 6th May and our Mothers' Day Breakfast and prayer service will be held on Wednesday 8th May. Please come along for a wonderful school celebration of our Mothers, Grandmothers and Mother-like figures.



Safe Holidays

We wish all our families a restful and safe vacation. Please take care and rest up to ensure you are ready for lots of great learning and many amazing activities in Term 2.


Peace and best wishes,

Carolyn Parsell