Around the School

Year 4 Students
Choir Eisteddfod
As I stood there I felt very nervous but when I went on stage I was not nervous at all. I loved the mayor’s room where I ate. The art gallery was very interesting. I felt happy singing and being a part of the choir. It was an amazing experience. I hope I can go again next year. By Violetta
Choir Eisteddfod
We went to the Choir Eisteddfod concert, it was as fantastic as winning money. I really enjoyed visiting the gallery, it was terrific. The paintings were gorgeous. The guy who painted all of the paintings has an eye for art. It was just awesome and when we performed everybody clapped loudly with interest and we felt like celebrities. By Vihaana
We went to St Mary's College and we did an elephant toothpaste experiment. It was like when you put Mentos in Coke. It exploded everywhere. By Theodore
On my Eucharist day, I got dressed in a white dress and I curled my hair, My mum said I looked like a princess. After I got ready I went to St Mary's church to get my first eucharist. Thirty-eight of my family and friends came to the church. My friend Bella told me that most of the church was full of my family. At the church I got to read the second reading, it was scary at first but I got used to it. When the church was finished my family went to Leo's restaurant. It was a very special day for me! By Gabriella
My First Eucharist
I was so nervous at first but when I received the bread of Jesus I felt special. One of my favourite things was when some of the children looked like they were getting married, it was so funny. When Mass was over we took photos with Father Jerome. When we got home we had a big feast to celebrate. By Bella D
My First Eucharist
On my first Eucharist 2nd of June. I was dressed in a rainbow skirt. I felt happy when I received Jesus in my heart. It was a very special time when my family came to see me getting the blessed bread. My job was taking up the Offertory with Maylissa, giving Father the bread and wine or the body and blood of Christ. By Vi Doan
St Mary's College Science Lab
Firstly, we learned about erosion and the tectonic pilates, and the earth’s rotation. We looked at the yabby and the axolotl. After that, we felt the marble stone, and finally, we did an experiment making elephant toothpaste. By Sammy
A Special Day
Walking down the aisle for Eucharist was nerve-racking, but I knew it was going to be fine. I put my hand out to receive the bread. I accepted Jesus in my heart. I was wearing a beautiful dress after I got my necklace blessed. By Mavis Ellis-Robertson
Choir competition
Choir Eisteddfod was the best place I’ve been to. We went to see the Year Seven’s to Year Twelve’s sing in the choir, it was very exciting. There was not much of an audience but it was fun. Soon after, it was our turn, we sang O Santisima and You’ve Got a Friend in Me. We came third and we got an honourable mention. By Gabriel
Trip To St Mary’s College Science Lab
First, we learned about earthquakes, Tsunamis, and tectonic plates by using two tsunami dioramas. Then I fed a yabby which is like a crawfish. Then the professor made elephant toothpaste. It was giant. I loved elephant toothpaste the most So I tried to make a safe version at home but it didn’t work. I loved going to the science Lab and I'd absolutely love to go again. By Marko
Choir Eisteddfod
When we arrived there we got to see the secondary school perform. Then we went to the art gallery. It was beautiful. After it was our big show time there were 5 schools including us and we got an honourable mention. I was really scared but when I was on the stage I felt calm like a soft white cloud and I saw my Nana and my Pop were there, they waved at me and I waved back. By Annabel McMullen
Choir Competition!
When we got to the building we watched the secondary schools compete. Then we ate lunch and then went to an art museum that is in the same building. We made our passports and then we went to the stage to perform. I had such an exciting day! By Annie
My First Eucharist
On Sunday I went to church because I made my first Eucharist. The priest said the prayers and then he gave us bread which is the body of Christ. By Maylissa
The Choir Eisteddfod
I went to the choir eisteddfod on Wednesday 12th and I got to sing two songs and the songs we sang were It’s all right and O Santisima. We watched the high schoolers sing too. We all got to go to an art gallery with my choir friends and we also got to make a passport. When we were waiting we heard people singing beautifully and I think they were singing old Mc McDonald Had a Farm, in a different language, we got an honourable mention. I'm so glad Mrs Mensen planned it. It was such an exciting day, I hope we can go again. By Bela von Eckartsberg🎵🎶
The science lab is very exciting and interesting. We got to see axolotls and a yabby! We did an experiment on a tsunami and learned about the earth and erosion. We got to see elephant toothpaste explode. By Orion
St.Mary's College Science Lab
In the science lab, we made elephant toothpaste. The elephant toothpaste went everywhere! We fed axolotls, yabbies, and fish and we met a skeleton, we named him Jimmy. The science lab teacher gave each child a rock to pass around. We also learned about tsunamis and how they can cause erosion. I had an amazing time! By Lucy