Calendar of Events 

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Term 2 2024, Monday 15th April to Friday 28th June

Friday 28th JuneEnd of Term, students dismissed 1pm


Term 3 2024, Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September

Monday 15th JulyStudents commence Term 3
Saturday 20th JulyP&F Major Fundraiser - Big Game Night 
Friday 26th July

Grandparents / Special Friends Mass 9:15am

followed by classroom visit and morning tea

Wednesday 31st JulyConfirmation Family Faith Night 6pm
Moved from 1st August to Tuesday 20th August Bishop Tony visiting Confirmation candidates 12pm
Sunday 4th AugustSenior School Mass Year 5&6 5:30pm
Tuesday 6th AugustItalian Day
Friday 9th AugustSchool Closure, student free day
Thursday 15th AugustFeast of the Assumption Mass 9:15am
Monday 19th AugustBook Week
Thursday 22nd AugustStudent Movie Night 5pm
Sunday 25th AugustSacrament of Confirmation 10:30am
Monday 26th AugustAnglesea Discovery Camp Year 3&4
Tuesday 27th AugustAnglesea Discovery Camp Year 3&4
Wednesday 28th AugustAnglesea Discovery Camp Year 3&4
Friday 30th August

Father’s Day / Special Friends Breakfast 7:30am

followed by Mass 9:15am

Monday 2nd SeptemberHOLT Athletics
Monday 2nd SeptemberSwimming program commences
Monday 9th SeptemberInquiry Expo Week
Monday 9th SeptemberThe Arts Show
Saturday 14th SeptemberArts Show Evening
Friday 20th SeptemberFooty Day
Friday 20th SeptemberEnd of Term, students dismissed 1pm


Term 4 2024, Monday 7th October to Tuesday 17th December

Monday 7th OctoberStudents commence Term 4
Wednesday 16th OctoberSacrament of Reconciliation Family Faith Night 6pm
Thursday 24th OctoberCath McCallig Family Education Webinar 7pm
Friday 25th OctoberWorld Teacher’s Day
Wednesday 30th OctoberSacrament of Reconciliation 6pm
Friday 1st NovemberAll Saints Day Mass, 9:15am
Monday 3rd NovemberSchool Closure, student free day
Tuesday 5th NovemberMelbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 6th NovemberDon Bosco Camp Safety Beach Camp Year 5&6
Thursday 7th NovemberDon Bosco Camp Safety Beach Camp Year 5&6
Friday 8th NovemberDon Bosco Camp Safety Beach Camp Year 5&6
Monday 11th NovemberRemembrance Day
Wednesday 27th NovemberKABOOM! Sports
Friday 29th NovemberSchool Closure, student free day
Thursday 5th DecemberSt Mary’s College Carols
Friday 6th DecemberFeast of the Immaculate Conception Mass 9:15am
Tuesday 10th DecemberSt Mary’s Primary School Carols 5pm
Thursday 12th DecemberYear 6 Graduation Mass 5pm
Monday 16th DecemberYear 6 Big Day In
Tuesday 17th DecemberEnd of Year Mass 9:15am
Tuesday 17th DecemberEnd of Term, students dismissed 1pm