Annual Leadership Conference 

On Wednesday last week, MGC hosted the annual Leadership Conference. This year’s theme, ‘Being Open to New Experiences’ allowed students from several different schools from all over Melbourne to come together to celebrate and learn about different styles of leadership. 


Throughout the day we had many different MGC portfolios and captains present activities including, Arts, Sport, House, Philanthropy, Humanities & SRC, our Middle School Mentor and the S.T.E.A.M team. These activities and presentations were a great way to showcase how our portfolios run and provided valuable insight into the work we do surrounding leadership at MGC. 


We also had the privilege of hosting two guest speakers, Kevin Xiao and Simon Asher. 

This was Kevins second year attending the Leadership Conference, he is an Australian philanthropist and has funded many initiatives including blockchain technologies and founded Break Through Education. 

Simon is a dual Olympian, representing Australia in the Men’s water polo team in both the 1988 and 1992 Olympic Games. It was great to have Simon reflect on the time he spent in the national team and his experience of leadership from a sporting perspective. 


Thank you so much to everyone involved in the day and the organising leading up to the event, including the MGC student executive and Mr Gavaghan. We really appreciate all of your support and dedication. 


Thank you! 


Lily, Grace, and Nandini 

MGC College Co Captains