Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

'A Night at the Movies'

Message from a parent….…..

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude and admiration for the outstanding performance put on by the students today. It was absolutely amazing and heart warming to witness.


The students were so well-rehearsed and incredibly cute. The choreography and concept were fantastic, and the beautiful costumes were adorable and so creative. 


The performances were well organised and seamless, and the atmosphere was filled with such a happy vibe that it made us want to get up and dance along. Watching the kids perform was a truly proud moment.  My son has always been very shy - today, he really came out of his shell and danced with such confidence and joy. It was a wonderful surprise and something I will always cherish.


I am immensely grateful to the school for organising this event. The amount of time and effort that went into preparing something at this level is evident, and it is deeply appreciated.


Thank you once again for providing such a memorable experience for the students and their families!

  • A huge congratulations and accolade to everyone who worked so passionately and diligently to deliver such an entertaining performance. 
  • In particular, a big thank you to Sonya Cunado, our Performing Arts teacher who has been tireless in planning this over the course of the year, and to Emily Wilkes, our Arts teacher, for the creation of many of the costumes. The hours of preparation and organisation required for such a performance is not always evident.  Mrs. Cunado’s vision for the concert was also supported by the specialist staff and classroom teachers. Thank you to each and every one of them. 
  • To our students, you never cease to amaze us! You practised so hard to be prepared for your dance routine and delivered three fabulous performances. You should be proud of your efforts! 
  • To our visitors, I hope you all enjoyed the show and were entertained by your child’s and our students’ performances. We were really excited this year as this was our first school performance since 2019 due to Covid, and the first school performance for all the students involved. Thank you for attending and for your positive feedback. 

Student Led Conferences

Traditional Parent Teacher Conferences are an opportunity for the parents and the teacher to meet and discuss the Semester 1 report.  Student Led Conference are a little different. They are an opportunity for students to reflect on and discuss evidence of their learning and growth by presenting work samples to their parents in a teacher-supported discussion. 


There are many benefits to Student Led Conferences, such as:

  • Students learn to be an effective and confident presenter. Student Led Conferences are led by the student from start to finish. The student explains to their parents and teachers what they are achieving, what they are struggling with, and what they need to succeed.
  • Students take responsibility for their own learning and learn how to advocate for themselves in a highly supported, risk free environment by setting goals. An essential part of Student Led Conferences is the practical skill of goal development that the student must take part in to start the process. When goals are created by the student, they will likely take a personal interest in achieving and monitoring these goals. 
  • Promoting collaboration between home and school. Students will discuss their goals and what they need to do at school and at home to achieve these goals. Students feels supported as everyone is working together to ensure they are successful in achieving their future goals. Everyone present is also celebrating the learning and growth they have already demonstrated. 

Student Led Conferences will look a little different in each year level. Teachers will be working with students to prepare them for an age-appropriate conference. For example, Foundation teachers will highly support and guide their students. Year 5 and 6 teachers may only have to provide their students with a prompt. Older students will have more autonomy and responsibility and younger students may have more teacher structure.

Using the School Crossing - Student Safety

It seems that some drivers are not taking due care around our school crossings in particular in the morning drop off.


Concerns are:-

  • Stopping too close to the crossing in the No Standing zones when dropping off their child.
  • Not stopping when the crossing supervisor walks onto the crossing with the STOP sign.
  • Driving over the crossing before it is totally clear of students and the crossing supervisor.

Foundation 2025

If you have a child that will be starting Foundation in 2025 please read the information below:


Enrolment Guidelines for Foundation 2025

Please visit our website, for information regarding the timeline for Foundation 2025 enrolments and school tours. 


If you click the link below, it will take you to the registration form and tour bookings for Foundation 2025. Existing families will need to register via this form but are not required to attend a tour but can if you wish/


Once you have registered, we will email you an enrolment form or they will be available to collect from the office. Enrolment applications are to be returned by Friday 26th July 2024.


Food for Thought:









Angelika Ireland