Classroom Happenings Prep/1

Milo’s Birthday Surprise
There was a buzz of excitement around the P/1 class Wednesday morning as students were dressed up as one of the characters from our Little Learners Love Literacy program to celebrate Milo’s Birthday. The students were excited when they entered the building to see all the decorations and balloons set up for the big party.
Students were joined by their parents in the morning to create a birthday cake for Milo. It was fantastic to have the opportunity to celebrate with families. The party did not stop there though. Students went on to make pink and purple paper planes just like Pete the Penguin does in the picture story book Milo’s Birthday Surprise. We played pass the parcel and went on a scavenger hunt around the school to find all the characters. We even had a surprise visit from Ben the Bear. Students enjoyed a very special morning tea, they all sat down together as a class to enjoy special party food. It was great to hear all the conversations between students about what they were dressed up as.
Thank you to parents for supporting this celebration by bringing a plate of food to share with the class, helping students choose a costume and coming to celebrate in the morning with us.
This day was also a celebration of the progression students have made through the teaching of the Little Learners Love Literacy program. As the Literacy Leader I am so proud of the program and how the dedicated staff at OLHC have implemented it. The program was created from evidence-based literacy research and is an explicit and sequential literacy approach for teaching children to read, write and spell with confidence. It was designed to build foundational skills, in reading, writing and language development in a fun and engaging way and this is exactly what it is doing in the classrooms at OLHC.