Performing Arts

Music Matters

After a fantastic term filled with numerous exciting events, including concerts, rehearsals, workshops, and eisteddfods, our ensemble program is now gearing up for future performances next term and beyond. We're thrilled to see more enthusiastic and dedicated ensemble directors and musicians joining our program.

There are always opportunities for students to join our extensive cocurricular ensembles program or try out a new instrument (or singing or music theory/composition) through our private tuition lessons. It’s never too late! For more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly Performing Arts staff at or apply via Clipboard.


Classical Guitar: We offer private tuition lessons in classical/flamenco style guitar (as well as contemporary), supported by a Classical Guitar ensemble. Due to the movements of some of our Year 12 students, Mrs Talati now has private tuition spaces available from next term. Should you wish to find out more about this exciting acoustic guitar style, please direct enquiries to Mrs Talati: or apply via Clipboard – Private Tuition - Classical Guitar. 


PAPA needs help to feed our boys this Sunday!

Our Intermediate Concert Band boys will be attending an all-day workshop this Sunday (23 June) to prepare for their performance at the NSW State Band Championships in August. 

The SPX Performing Arts Parents’ Association (PAPA) are providing a BBQ sausage sizzle lunch on Sunday but would greatly appreciate some help on the day to prepare, cook, serve and clean up.

Even if you can only help for an hour, that will make a difference!

Please use the link below to add yourself to our sign up sheet.

Sylvia Ulevik, PAPA President


Holiday musical workshop: We have received the following information from Umbrella Productions who are working on a new Sydney-first inclusive musical production of Disney’s Camp Rock, The One-Act-Edition

Rehearsals are set to begin this August, with performances wowing audiences in March 2025 at the Zenith Theatre in Chatswood.

This ground-breaking initiative is designed to foster inclusivity, showcase diversity, and bring joy and connectedness to our community. What makes this show unique is the innovative 'buddy model', which pairs an individual child or adult, with and without disability, to share the same character role. For more information about our school and our Inclusive Musical, please visit our  website or watch this video. We are calling out for cast members so hope that some of your talented students and those interested in musicals, theatre and Disney might want to join! 

We have an impressive cast of performers with disability but are looking for more buddies without disability to join us for our workshop launching the project. At the workshop, potential cast members with and without disability will sing, act and dance from the show and learn more about the stages of the project, including the auditions on 28 July and 4 August! Rehearsals are being scheduled for Sunday afternoons. 


Upcoming Performing Arts Dates:

  • Intermediate Concert Band Workshop - Sunday 23 June – 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Lunch will be provided by our wonderful PAPA parents.  Email sent from Ms Laura Power has the finer details if required.

Term 3: 

  • Sunday 28 July – Year 12 Drama showcase
  • Sunday 4 Aug – HSC Music Trials performance rehearsal – full program
  • Wednesday 7 Aug – HSC Trials practical examination
  • Friday 9 Aug – Celebration of Learning (Intermediate Concert Band)
  • Sunday 25 Aug - State Band Championships - Intermediate Concert Band (time TBC, Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre)
  • Thurs 29 Aug* – Splinters, Splashes, Sounds, Snaps, Stage and Stories HSC performance (one piece per student)
  • Friday 6 Sept – ‘Farewell to Seniors’ Twilight Concert
  • Sunday 8 Sept – HSC Music performance rehearsal – full program
  • HSC Music practicals – anywhere from 9 Sept 
  • Tuesday 24 Sept - College Farewel
  • Wednesday 25 Sept  – Year 12 graduation

*to be confirmed

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Leader of Learning, Performing Arts

Drama Matters

Year 9 Commedia Performances

Students in Year 9 performed their original Commedia play last week. It was a humorous and fast paced epic that included the well-established characters of Il Dottore, Columbina, Pantalone, Il Capitano, Brighella and a short guest appearance by Arlecchino. We have been very lucky to secure new masks kindly paid for by PAPA which the students really enjoyed wearing. They certainly made the characters come to life and helped students with their physicality and characterisations. 

Upcoming Drama Events:

  • Tuesday 25 June: Drama Elective Groups Years 11 & 12 will go to Sydney Theatre Company to watch Jane Harrison’s seminal play, Stolen about the Stolen Generations. (This event has been kindly paid for by PAPA). This play is on the HSC NESA list of plays for our students to study and we are thrilled for students to be able to see a professional production of this play.
  • Sunday 28 July: The annual HSC Drama Trial Showcase at 1:00 pm. Students will perform their Individual and Group Projects to an invited audience of friends, family and the school community. External markers will also be there to mark and give relevant feedback to all students so they can prepare for their final HSC Practical Examinations in August. 
  • Wednesday 31 July Drama Elective Groups 10, 11 & 12 will go to Sydney Theatre Company to watch the final multi-media gothic trilogy, Dracula directed by Kit Williams. (This event has been kindly paid for by PAPA.)

Ms Penny Lindley - Leader of Learning, Drama