Junior School News 

  • From the Head of the Junior School
  • Junior School Sport
  • From the Junior Resource Centre
  • Junior School Chess

From the Head of the Junior School

It has been a busy term to finish off a busy semester.  It has been wonderful to see our new Year 5 students settle into college life and to see our Year 6 students develop in their roles as senior leaders in the Junior School.  At the start of the year, I asked the students to take advantage of every opportunity that came their way – to give everything a go - and the Junior School students of 2024 have certainly taken on that challenge in the most impressive way. 


Next week (Week 9), and in Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 3, I will be stepping into the Acting Deputy Principal role while Ms Watson moves into the Acting Principal role during Mr Ronchetti’s medical leave.  I thank Mrs Iwatani for taking on the Acting Head of Junior School role – it is one she has done many times before and I am confident that the Junior School is in good hands. 



Last week our Junior School students completed their second Maths Olympiad contest of 2024. It was encouraging to see most students make a notable improvement on their contest 1 results. Students have been working through challenging maths problems and practice papers all term to familiarise themselves with the style of questions.


In particular we would like to recognise the following students who achieved a perfect score of 5/5:  Ash Hilton, Oliver Willems, Michael Capra, and Jeremy Gu.

The test paper delivered some challenging problems to students. Although there were no cryptarithms this time, students were challenged with questions involving perimeter, patterns, and algebra. These are challenging problems and students should be proud of themselves for taking up the challenge. We look forward to their continued development in the program as the year continues.



Please do not order lunch through the Canteen on Thursdays as we leave for Oxford Falls at 11am and lunch orders are not ready at that time. 



My Reading Group has been enjoying the text Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief by Katrina Nannestad during Term 2.  They have enjoyed discussing elements of the Battle of Stalingrad, the various text features and learning about the geographical references.  The students hard work and commitment to this early morning group was rewarded today with warm Milo and donuts.  Congratulations for maintaining consistent attendance gentlemen.

Ms Boyle



Ms Lisa O’Hora, who has become a much-loved member of the Junior School team and much-admired teacher in 5 Blue, is returning to Ireland for personal reasons and won’t return to the College after the July holidays. 

Ms Belinda Hodges will be joining the Junior School in 5 Blue, starting in Term 3.  Ms Hodges has worked in 5 Blue on a casual basis, is familiar with the students and will be working alongside Ms O’Hora in 5 Blue over the next week.  Ms Hodges will also join Ms O’Hora on parent-teacher-student interviews next week.

While change can sometimes be unsettling, the College wants to assure you that we are committed to maintaining the high standards of education and support that your son deserves.  We are confident that Ms Hodges will continue to provide a nurturing and enriching learning environment.



The Academic Annexe is open for student study Monday to Thursday in the Senior Resource Centre (Senior library).  Teachers are on hand each day to help students with homework or additional study. 





REDed (Raw Energy Dance Education) have your sons hipping and hopping as they prepare a for a performance on Thursday 27 June from 12:45 pm – 1:20 pm. Everyone is welcome to come and watch the students perform and then stay at Oxford Falls for the Mid-Year Academic Awards.



After the Dance Concert, we will present Blue Academic Awards to those boys (three from each class) who have shown 'Consistent Effort Leading to Improvement' in Semester One.  Following the awards, the boys will be free to go home with parents or come back to the College for a normal dismissal.


Thursday 27 June will be the last day of Term 2 for students.



Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews for Years 5 and 6 will be conducted ONLINE using Microsoft Teams on Friday 28 June from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.


How to Book

Bookings are made using the Parent Sentral Portal under the Interviews tab and saved within the Sentral account. 

All parents have been provided with login details for the Sentral Portal via email. 


Bookings are now open and close tomorrow - Friday 21 June at 4:00 pm.  If you need assistance with bookings, please contact Mrs Lisa Sutton: lsutton@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au


Meetings are scheduled for 5 minutes. If more time is required, we encourage parents and teachers to work together to find a suitable time for further discussion.


These meetings are an important part of your son’s learning journey.  In addition to receiving feedback from teachers, they are also an opportunity for students to reflect, recognise achievements and identify areas for growth.


Thank you for your continued support of the Junior School. 

Mrs Jill Greenwood - Head of the Junior School 

Junior School Sport


Please click on the link below for this week's fixtures for Years 5 - 12 cocurricular activities. 

For the most up-to-date information on fixtures, please visit the Clipboard app.


Athletics Carnival: Again, congratulations to everyone involved in the Athletics Carnival last week. A huge thank you to the teachers, parents, and Year 10 helpers who made the day possible. In a day full of memorable moments for the students, a few highlights stood out in my mind.

The incredible House spirit was palpable around the track as boys passionately sang their war cries. A particular spectacle was Joshua Calacouras in the high jump. His dazzling aerial leaps seemed to captivate the entire carnival, bringing everything to a halt as everyone stopped to watch his remarkable performance.

Finally, the sheer number of participants who took to the track for all races was impressive. It was this enthusiastic participation that made the carnival the success it was.

Treacy House captains receiving the shield at Assembly
Treacy House captains receiving the shield at Assembly

Athletics Squad: Prior to the end of Term 2, selected students will be invited to form the initial Athletics Squad. Training will commence in Week 2 of Term 3 for a selected squad of track and field athletes chosen based on their results at the recent Junior House Athletics Carnival. If your son does not make the initial squad and would like to join, I am more than happy to discuss this with them. A letter will be sent to all those who are chosen outlining the key dates for training and a list of the invitational carnivals that will be held in the lead up to the IPSHA Carnival, which will be held on Wednesday 28 August at SOPAC. The details will be shared prior to the Term 2 holidays. Athletes involved in a Winter Sport will be able to train around their commitment to both their winter sport and Athletics. 


Thursday Sport: Next week the boys will not need bring their boots and clothes for training as we will be finishing the term with our Dance Showcase. 

Dance Showcase: After Recess, we will head out to Oxford Falls to conclude our Term 2 Dance Program. Upon arriving, the students will have a final rehearsal in their separate House groups to hone their routines, before gathering in the CBC to compete for House points in the 2024 SPX House Dance-Off. Each routine will be heavily scrutinised by the Junior School staff, led by Chief Dance Adjudicator, Mrs Williams. Students are reminded that there will be no training for Saturday sport at Oxford Falls in Week 9 – just pack your dancing shoes and groove. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 12:40 pm. 


Looking ahead to Term 3: In Week 5 of Term 3, the trials for the summer season will commence. Students will take up the same sport that they played in Term 1; either Basketball, Touch Football, Softball, Tennis or Cricket. We conduct the trial process again to ensure your son is placed in a team befitting his skill and ability level, in time for the summer season/Saturday games that will resume in Term 4. If you have any questions or issues, please make contact as the Term 4 summer draw will be arranged and finalised with our IPSHA colleagues in the coming weeks. 


Term 3 Schedule

Students Speak Sports: Last week I was fortunate to be joined in conversation with two students to discuss a range of issues regarding sport from their perspective. William Aldons Year 5 and Kye Ausling Year 6, who have already demonstrated a firm commitment to SPX Sport, shared the following:

  • William has represented the College in Swimming, Rugby.
  • Kye has represented the College in Basketball, Swimming and AFL. 

Favourite sport and why:

William: Rugby is my favourite sport. This is because it has a good community and it’s a fun game to play with my team and friends. 

Kye: Basketball. This is because it’s fun and I enjoyed playing the matches on Saturday. I am new to basketball, but I had a great coach and learned plenty of new skills. 


Sport you would like to try: 

William: Softball. When I have watched it, it looks like to players are enjoying themselves and having fun. It looks like it is very inclusive and has multiple roles. I enjoy games that require teamwork and softball requires plenty of that. 

Kye: Rugby, this is because it’s like AFL with its contact. Instead of kicking, there is less kicking, more tackling and passing. 


Importance of Sportsmanship: 

William: I think it’s important because if you don’t show good sportsmanship it reflects on your whole team and school. If you show good sportsmanship, your team will have more success and hopefully win more games. 

Kye: It’s important so everyone involved in the games can have a good time and enjoy the experience, regardless of the result. You won’t go home thinking you have wasted your time if you come with the right attitude and play within the spirit of the game. 


Pre-match meal:

William: Eggs on toast. I like this as I gives me lots of energy to plan.

Kye:  Cereal, its more standard breakfast meal and I find it gives me the most energy before I play. 


Most memorable sporting moment so far at St Pius X:

William: When we drove to Bowral for Rugby and played against Tudor House. I scored a try in the match, and I received man of the match. It created a positive conversation for the drive home. 

Kye: AFL season in 2023, we managed to go undefeated which was awesome. This year we have continued that record as a team, maintaining our undefeated streak. Hopefully we can work hard and continue till the end of the season. 


What’s one thing you would say to encourage other boys to sign up to St Pius X Sport:

William: I have loved representing St Pius X. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, all that matters is that you have fun, play with your mates and create new friends.

Kye: There is plenty of opportunity to train which improves your fitness and can also help you with club sports outside of school. We are lucky to have great coaches that teach us new skills and plays. It helps you with your confidence and it is such fun overall. 


I think you will agree that with these two students playing sport at St Pius X College, we are in good hands for maintaining a strong culture of involvement and success. Future interviews will be conducted throughout the year that will take in the perspectives of a range of students who play sport for the College at various levels.


Student Success…..

CIS Golf 

We are thrilled to announce that Cuba Nicholas has qualified to represent St Pius X as part of the CIS team following his outstanding performance at yesterday’s round. Recently, Cuba represented St Pius X at the CIS Golf Championship, where his dedication and hard work were evident. Out of 30 boys competing, the top 6 were selected based on their scores, and Cuba was among those top performers! Impressively, he placed either 3rd or 4th overall on the day. We are incredibly proud of his achievement and look forward to seeing him continue to excel. Congratulations, Cuba!



We are excited to highlight the fantastic achievements of one of our students, Brandon, who has recently demonstrated outstanding performance in basketball.

Brandon participated in the Nunawading tournament in Melbourne with his representative team, the Inner West Bulls. Competing in the Under 12s, Group 1 team, Brandon and his teammates won all five of their games, advancing to the Grand Final. The final game was a thrilling, nail-biting contest, and although the team lost by a narrow margin of five points, their performance was nothing short of spectacular.

Brandon’s experience at the tournament, competing against teams from other states, has been invaluable. It provided him with exposure to high-level competition and an opportunity to showcase his skills on a larger stage.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Brandon for his exceptional achievements and look forward to witnessing his continued success in basketball.

Well done, Brandon! You have made us all very proud.


SPX Football Supporters Club 

Supporter's Day - The SPX Family and School Community (FSC) will be hosting BBQ, bake sales, and organising a coffee cart on Saturday, 27 July and 3 August. Join us for a delicious selection of food and beverages while supporting our College community. We invite parents, students, and friends to volunteer for this event by signing up. A link will be shared in the coming weeks. Your participation and support are greatly appreciated. Let's make this event a success together!


Annual Social Function - A reminder about the highly anticipated Football Social! The final details are coming together, and while we’re still finalising the venue, please mark your calendars for 14 September. This fantastic celebration will honour the incredible contributions to football made over the years by Steve Quilty. Stay tuned for more details, including fun raffles and activities that are sure to make this event unforgettable!

 SPX Football Supporters Committee



Mr James Bourke - Junior School Sports Coordinator

Junior Rugby

Mr Montgomerie reports: The U11 rugby team travelled away to The King's School, looking to bounce back from two tough defeats. Pius started the game strongly, getting an early lead to go ahead 10-0, while King's were able to score two themselves. Our team scored the final try of the half to go ahead 17-14, summing up what was a very tight contest. The second half showed more of the same, with both teams battling for the win. Despite piling on pressure at the ruck, lineout and scrum, King's were able to score two tries to get a 28-17 lead with 5 minutes to go. St Pius X, however, again showed their never-give-up attitude, scoring to take the game to 28-22, and despite getting close to the try line, The King's School were ultimately too good and held out for a 6 point win. Man of the match went to Zac, who ran hard all game as well as make a few turn overs, and a special shoutout going to Lucas and Will G, who continue to improve their skills. I wish all parents and students an enjoyable, and well-earned weekend off, as well as a terrific holiday. An additional congratulations goes to Angus and Hudson for their selection in the Gordon representative team, and Haarlem, for his selection in the Manly representative team.


Looking ahead to Round 7, the U11s have a well-deserved BYE this week. The Prep Firsts are at home for their final game of the term taking on Mosman Prep. Kick off at 8:00 am on Chaplin Oval. 

All U11 parents and students are welcome to attend and support if available. This Saturday will be SPX Supporter’s Day and will a big day of rugby down at Oxford Falls. 


Tickets are now available for purchase for the Rugby Gala Dinner. It is a great evening, and I can’t wait to attend again this year. Please see below for more information and a link to purchase tickets. 


SPX Rugby Club

Rugby Gala Dinner

Saturday, 27 July | Kirribilli Club | 6:30pm – 11:30pm

The Rugby Committee is excited to host this fun night out for the rugby community and welcomes ALL other SPX parents.  This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and make new and long-lasting friends.






$150 per ticket including a delicious 3-course meal and drinks package.  We are excited to advise that Nick Farr-Jones is our key-note speaker on the night.  We will also have live entertainment by Dow Jones and the All Ordinaries, and the chance to participate in raffles and auctions.  This will be a night full of surprises! Your attendance plays a crucial role in helping raise funds to support the growth and development of our young men. 


Supporters Day

Saturday, 22 June | Oxford Falls

The Rugby Committee will once again be at the marquee (top oval) promoting the Gala Dinner and available to answer any questions you may have. We also have two very exciting raffles available on the day which you won’t want to miss out on. We’d love to see you so drop by for a chat.

Please direct any enquiries to spxrugby@gmail.com.

Mr Antonio Morris - Junior School Rugby Convenor

From the Junior Resource Centre

This week’s Highlights are:

Literature Promotion in the JRC


REFUGEE WEEK - Refugee Week Theme 2024 – Finding Freedom: Family

16 JUNE to 22 JUNE 

Refugee week is an initiative of the Refugee Council of Australia, a small, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to education, support, and advocacy. Refugee Week this year runs from 16-22 June and is an opportunity to learn about refugees and to celebrate the positive contributions refugees have made in Australia. 




This week Year 6 read and discussed the Picture Book OUT by Angela May George and Owen Swan. This is a beautiful story of survival, a celebration of ‘the triumph of the human spirit in the darkest times.’ A story that is, sadly, all too real for thousands of children fleeing the dangers of their homelands. They learn new languages and cultures as they strive to create new lives in countries all over the world.


Mopoke – By Philip Bunting

Year 5 are loving this craft featuring Mopoke by Philip Bunting. High poke, fee-fi-fo poke… this is a favourite. Year 5 find it hilarious and love that these are our local Southern Boobook Owls.


Action Tank – Book 3 by Mike Barry

Let’s join Felix Keeler and get behind Mike Barry. His kickstarter for the final volume of his award-winning, insanely entertaining Action Tank graphic novel being funded on Kickstarter. What Mike is doing takes incredible courage – funding your own projects is daunting to say the least. Let’s help this amazing author. A huge thank you to Felix and his parents for purchasing this autographed book for the JRC.


Mrs Martin's Book Trail: There must be something about the month of June, because here comes another one of my favourite new books for the year!

How To Move A Zoo by Owen Swan and Angela May George tells the remarkable true tale of the day in September 1916 that they relocated the animals from Moore Park in Sydney to their new location by the harbour. I can only imagine the looks of early morning commuters as Jessie the elephant slowly ambled down the road towards the ferry that they used to transport her.



Mrs Elena Martin - Teacher Librarian

Junior School Chess Club

Thank you to all the students who attended Chess training on Tuesday 18 June.  A reminder that the NSW Junior Chess Competition continues this week. Team A AWAY V’s Neutral Bay C, Team B AWAY V’s St Aloysius’ C, Team C AWAY V’s Beauty Point and Team D AWAY V’s Neutral Bay D. 


Please see Ms Boyle on Friday to collect the Match Result Sheet. 


Neutral Bay Public School

Ben Boyd Road Neutral Bay

St Aloysius’ College Junior School – 29 Burton Street Milsons Point.

Beauty Point Public School – 17 Medusa Street Mosman.


The draw can be found here: https://www.nswjcl.org.au/

  Mrs Elena Martin - Junior Chess Convenor