Pastoral Care 

  • Recent theft at Chatswood Woolworths
  • Year 8 Ski-trip
  • Year 7 Study Skills evening wrap
  • Push-up Challenge
  • GPs in Schools - Year 10

Recent Theft at Chatswood Woolworths

The seventh commandment forbids unjustly taking or keeping the good’s of one’s neighbour and wrongdoing him in any way with respect to his goods. It commands justice and charity in the care of earthly goods and the fruits of men's labour. - Roman Catholic Doctrine

It was disappointing to be informed of recent theft from Chatswood Woolworths from some of our students. Stealing is not only against the law, it is considered a mortal sin. 


Students are not to gather in Woolworths in groups before or after school. If they require food or drink, they are to quickly make their purchase and leave the store after payment. If students are not purchasing any goods, there is no need for them to be in the store.

There is a highly advanced camera system in the store which is being upgraded this week.


I implore all St Pius X students to make positive decisions to keep our reputation intact within our community.

Year 8 Ski Trip

Just a reminder to those Year 8 Parents and carers yet to complete the permission form for the upcoming ski trip to please do so as soon as possible as we need to finalise details. Please see below for more details or contact Mr Kovacic: 


Depart: Monday 29 July, meet at Chatswood at 7:00 am for a 7:30 am departure

Return: Friday 2 August, approx. 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm in Chatswood

Accommodation: The Adventist Alpine Village (AAV) in Jindabyne

Attending: Year 8 students and 12 staff members

Key activity: 3 days skiing at Perisher Blue Resort

Purpose: Build new connections, develop friendships, overcome adversity, build resilience, work in a team, learn or develop a skill, develop independence, and have fun.

Parent Permission Form to complete:

Year 7 Study skills evening wrap

Last week we welcomed Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ( as our guest speaker for Year 7 parents and students. The event proved to be a valuable opportunity for families to explore strategies for optimising study habits and maximising academic potential.

Throughout the evening, families engaged in discussions that encouraged a thoughtful assessment of the changes that could be implemented to help students move confidently and efficiently toward achieving their personal best. Dr Salter's expertise provided valuable insights into key areas, including the home study environment, effective organisation and management of resources, strategies for successful home-based learning, handling distractions, and managing the high school workload.

Families also gained access to a video outlining essential steps in high school studying, covering topics such as making study notes, self-testing to reinforce learning, and practicing effectively. We encourage parents to review the session's slides and handouts with their students, fostering open discussions about the identified areas that may benefit from positive changes.

All families at our school also have access to a comprehensive study skills website aimed at further developing students’ academic skills.

Simply visit, enter the username: spx, and use the password: 25success to unlock a wealth of resources that can contribute to improving academic results.

We extend our gratitude to Dr Salter for sharing her expertise, and we encourage our entire school community to leverage the valuable insights gained from this study skills evening. Together, let's empower our students to thrive academically and reach their full potential.

GPs in Schools - Year 10 students

On Tuesday 25 June local Northern Sydney General Practitioners and Nurses will be facilitating a GPs in Schools workshop for Year 10 students. 

GPs in Schools is a 2.5-hour workshop that is delivered by Sydney North Primary Health Network who are funded and guided by the Australian Department of Health. The GPs in Schools program has been running for 28 years in over 50 Northern Sydney high schools. 

The evidence-informed program brings registered General Practitioners and Nurses into their local schools to build confidence and health literacy in areas such as access to free healthcare, specific youth health issues, confidentiality, Medicare, bulk billing, and their healthcare rights.


GPs in Schools includes:

• What is health? 

• How to use the Australian healthcare system 

• Health services available, where they are, how to use them, and what they cost

• Student anonymous health questions 


GPs in Schools empowers students to ask questions that matter to them in a safe environment, in their school with their self-selected friendship groups of approximately 15 students per GP or Nurse. Utilising a peer-centred health promotion model that allows students to ask questions anonymously invests in students to take an active and informed role in their healthcare as they transition to adulthood.

A permission slip will be distributed to each Year 10 student. Please ensure this is signed and returned ASAP.

Mr Martin Gillogly - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care