Koala Fundraiser

Our koala fundraiser was a huge sucess last Thursday. We even had a visit from Chris Humfrey from Wild Action Zoo with one of the koala's named "Chuck".
Here are some quotes from the students 1/2TT & 1/2CD:
"We need to give the money to the shelter to care for the koalas! "
They told us that they wanted to raise money for these koalas because they are endangered. We asked them why they think they are endangered, and this is what they said.
"I think they are going endangered because of bushfires!"
Maybe the storms and deforestation are why!
The kids have given many reasons why they wanted to help the koalas and hopefully they can learn more about koalas and help them in every way they can. Here and some fun facts that the 1-2s gave us!
"Did you know that koalas have two thumbs"
"Koalas are the size of jellybean when they are born!"
"Koalas can only eat eucalyptus leaves"
A little boy in 1/2CD has a very interesting fact about koalas: "they eat eucalyptus leaves, but they are poisonous to humans!"
"Koalas are not bears!"
All the kids have had so much fun learning about koalas and their habitat.
We would also like to give a massive thank you to Chris Humfrey for donating his time to show our 1/2 children the koalas from the zoo!
Thanks for all the donations and help setting up this day! We have raised $508.40
Martha B
P.S. Chris is hosting a school holiday program at Jubilee Hall these school holidays. The details are below: