Visual Art Report 

What a hectic and fun term we’ve had in Visual Art. Our grand finale was, of course, our fantastic Winter Solstice Art Exhibition last Friday evening. We had a huge number of families visit our exhibition and our little Picassos proudly showed off their work. 


The best thing to happen ALL YEAR was having Scout and Margo’s awesome dad Jordan rock up to the art room with his tradie tools and fix our very tricky, sticky and dangerous entry door for us! WHAT A CHAMPION! We were excited to watch the power tools in action but even more excited to be able to open and close our guillotine of a door with safety and ease. Thank you so much Jordan.


With planning well under way for Another busy term in term three, we have a long list of items we would love to receive for our Art program if you have them laying around gathering dust…


The following items would be gratefully received:


Old items with “spare parts” such as dead electrical items that Mrs. Tulloch can pull apart for steam punk machine collages.

Any old nails, screws, nuts and bolts etc that are cluttering up the shed!

Large sheets of thick cardboard such as old white-goods boxes. No small boxes thanks…we have those in abundance.

Balls of wool, any kind.

Plaster of Paris…HEY, you never know what’s in people’s sheds!

Large paper cups.

Tissue paper, any kind

Scrap booking bits and pieces like old sheet music, greeting cards or printed paper for collage. (we have plenty of magazines so none of those please).


See you here next term for more amazing adventures in Art!


Ginny Tulloch 😊

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