Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at this week's assembly, on Friday the 28th of June. As this is the last day of term, assembly will be held at 2:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB), with dismissal at 2:30pm
FSI - Cora K - for working hard to get tasks completed.
1/2TT - Zac S - for amazing teamwork in SEL class.
1/2CD - River B - for her positive attitude to her learning.
3/4MS - Kaley P - for putting a lot of effort into her Australian animal projects. Well done!
3/4MS - Zoe R - for her great researching skills and wonderful kookaburra project.
3/4HC - Mason K - for displaying determination and consistent wffort in class. Fabulous!
3/4HC - Roisin Mc - for excellent work in class. A fabulous semester!
5/6AB - Martha B - for her perserverance with origami chatter boxes and amazing dancing with the year 6's.
5/6AB - Rupert R - for amazing dancing for preparing for graduation in term 4.
5/6GP - Indi M - for incredible initiative and drive for learning.
The following students have been working hard in their Minilit sessions and will be given an award at assembly this week. Well done everyone!
Part A completion on Minilit:
Patrick M, Peter H, Frida B, Adeline K, Ari T, Sophie P, Archie N, Ned F, Billy B, Bonnie C, Josh R, Archie W.
Part B completion of Minilit:
Emile H, Toto B, Easton H.