Parents and Friends Association

MPS Parents’ & Friends Association needs you!
Calling all parents - Do you have new and exciting ideas for events at MPS? If so please come and join us.
Do I need to have any previous experience? No!
Do I need to attend every meeting or event? No - just helping out when you can is appreciated.
Why should I join? To make new friends, have fun and contribute to the school community.
When are meetings? - Currently we meet in the JCB on Fridays at 9:15am twice a term. Time and date could be subject to change to suit PFA members.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the MPS Parents’& Friends Association please fill out the attached registration form and email it to or paper copies are available at the office to be filled out and they can be handed in there.
We would really love it if there would be a parent from every classroom come forward so that we can have contact point & voice for every year level.
Registrations Close Friday 28th June 2024 (last day of Term 2)
Questions? - please email us