Grade 5 visit to Gisborne Secondary College

by Lucy R, Indi M and Maggie M
On the 25th of June the grade fives went to Gisborne Secondary School. We got to experience a high school lesson in art, science and history. We had an amazing time and are now more excited for high school!
In art we got to do portraits of ourselves using pastels, if we had finished we could draw our pets on the back. There were lots of cool drawings.
In science we made slime, looked through a microscope and found out what type of fingerprints we have.
In History we got to do a bit of an investing on Marco Polo and if he went to China or not.
There were lots of clues around the room that helped us.
Highlights: at recess we got to have donuts and hot chocolate, at lunch most of us got lunch orders and when we went out to play the stadium had a fun game of dodgeball in it.
It was a very fun day at Gisborne Secondary College and thank you to Steph for coming along and Gisborne secondary college for making this day possible