Library News

Hello from the Library,
Welcome to week 10 in the Library.
Our display over the last few weeks has incorporated both Reconciliation and NAIDOC week.
National Reconciliation Week—held every year from 27 May to 3 June—is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Whilst NAIDOC week is coming up on the 7th -14th July. NAIDOC Week (National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee) occurs annually in July, and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We have a range of amazing books by indigenous authors and artists on display, so pop in and have a look!
My Deadly Boots
By Carl Merrison & Hakea Hustler
Can the shoes on your feet really make you jump higher? Walk taller? Dream bigger?
A joyous, empowering story about finding confidence within yourself, boots or no boots.
An empowering, uplifting picture book about what it is that makes you who you are, from the award-winning authors of Black Cockatoo.
Going Bush with Grandpa
By Sally Morgan & Ezekiel Kwaymullina
Pete and his grandpa are off on a bush camping trip to do some prospecting for gold nuggets. Maybe they’ll find enough so they can go for a holiday in the city!
Born Into This
By Adam Thompson
The stories in Born Into This throw light on a world of unique cultural practice and perspective, from Indigenous rangers trying to instil some pride in wayward urban teens on the harsh islands off the coast of Tasmania, to those scraping by on the margins of white society railroaded into complex and compromised decisions. To this mix Adam Thompson manages to bring humour, pathos and occasionally a sly twist as his characters confront racism, untimely funerals, classroom politics and, overhanging all like a discomforting, burgeoning awareness for both white and black Australia, the inexorable damage and disappearance of the remnant natural world.
Happy reading.
Mrs Earl and Toni Cramp