Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A
Our visit to the Coach House Museum was the highlight of last week. The olden-day general store provided lots of comparisons with the supermarkets of today. There were no aisles, pushing shopping trollies, scanning our items, or using a card to pay for the groceries. Instead, we discovered if you wanted to buy some rice it would be measured out and placed in a paper bag. Along with the grocery store we got look at all different types of furniture. Few of us fancied taking a bath in the kitchen with water pumped from the well, boiled on the stove. Oh, the good old days! Thanks to Cody’s mum who helped with our visit and to the volunteers at the Museum.
We were glad to arrive back at school to a well-lit, warm classroom with our interactive whiteboard displaying the photographs we took. We are also glad that the holidays will be here soon. During those cold days over the holidays, this will be a great time for children to make ‘tents’ and snuggle up with the books they will be bringing home. Enjoy!!
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B
Hello Parents/ Caregivers and Community Members
What a great amount of learning has occurred in the last couple of weeks. Only two weeks left until the end of term.
We have learnt the letters and sounds of e, n, g, l, g and u.
Thank you for continuing to log the student’s reading minutes in their diaries. We are currently 8th out of the WHOLE school
Could you also please remember to get your children to do their homework. This is a way of reinforcing their learning at school.
Our Inquiry sessions on old and new toys is coming to an end. We were lucky enough to visit the Coach House Museum on Wednesday. Thanks for the wonderful volunteers for enabling us to visit, the students enjoyed the experience.
In Maths we have been exploring subtraction. The students are gaining a better knowledge of more to less.
Our Class Focus
Inquiry- A Toy Story- A Comparison between old and new toys.
Numeracy- subtraction
Literacy- Introduction of new sound, blending and segment words and learning tricky words.
Dates to Remember
25th- Whole School Assembly
28th – Wedderburn P-12 25th Celebration
Thanks for all your support.
Have a great day.
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
The end of Term 2 is almost upon us and what a big term of learning it has been!
Grade 2 has continued to be absolute superstars in the Reading Olympics.
We are currently in third place on the leaderboard after the Year 9s and the Year 11s in terms of average minutes read per student.
The Grade 2 students who have read the most minutes in Grade 2 are:
- Angus Kerr
- Aria Richardson
- Lucy Turnbull
A big congratulations to these students and to all of the enthusiastic readers in our grade!
Students have also been working hard on their writing skills, practising editing their sentences about sea turtles and creating some terrific tongue twisters. They have also written some beautiful five senses poems related to our Inquiry topic of water.
Keep up the active learning Grade 2!
Ms Young and Mrs MacKenzie, Classroom Teachers
Year 4/5
We have been busy learning about lines and angles in 4/5.
An acute angle is less than a right angle - Gabbie.
A right angle is 90 degrees - Floss.
An obtuse angle is more than a right angle, but less than a straight angle - Sofia.
A straight angle is 180 degrees - Elizabeth.
A reflex angle is more than 180 degrees - Kobe.
A full rotation is 360 degrees - Odin.
We have been learning how to measure angles with a protractor - Aliana.
A square has 4 right angles - Mia Clarke and Jye.
We have also been working hard to get quicker at multiplication using 'Blooket'.
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher
Year 5 & 6
Just like that, another school term is nearly finished. This week we finished reading 'The Wild Robot Protects' and the majority of students have loved this book. We're very keen to watch 'The Wild Robot' movie that is being released later in the year.
Most students have been amazing at bringing their diary to school each day. We use the diary everyday so please make sure this goes in the school bag in the morning just like the lunchbox. Submitting of homework has also been well supported generally, although, if some additional support is needed please ask during the week.
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful winter holiday break and I look forward to a fabulous term 3.
Warm Regards,
Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teacher
Year 9 & 10 Snow Camp
This week our Year 9/10 students have been on Snow Camp. On Tuesday, students tested their resilience by completing Cross Country Skiing and hiking. It was a great day with a number of students experiencing Snow for the first time. The rest of the week’s plan is to go Downhill Skiing and explore the village. There have been various themes across the week such as resilience, sustainability and global warming. We have also enjoyed various meals associated with the themes such as vegetarian and vegan meals, a delicious chicken, corn, potato and broccoli meal with a banana cake and caramel sauce for dessert. Thank you, Phil!
For more updates and pictures, please head to the Wedderburn College Facebook Page.
Year 10 Work Experience
Just a reminder, for the final week of term our Year 10 students will be completing their local Work Experience. We look forward to visiting and know you will all represent the school well.
Alexander Iser & Emma Milne, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers
Senior Excursion to Puckapunyal Military Base
We left Wedderburn at 7:00 in the morning and picked up the people from Inglewood at around 7:30 and a little later we grabbed Mr. G. A little after that we stopped for a quick coffee break and after a while on the road annoying Mr. G and Robyn, we finally arrived at Puckapunyal Army Base. After even more waiting, we were finally cleared to go into the base and we were shown around the base by Luke, our tour guide for the day.
Luke showed us to our first stop which was the firefighting station on the base and the firefighters showed all of their gear and gave us a little bit of information on how they became firefighters on base. Our next stop was at the parks and gardens area, the area our guide Luke works at and he showed us all the tools and machines they use and even let a few of us ride on one of the electric lawn mowers. We talked to another person that works in the parks and gardens area who just a few months ago was in the same position we are in. Luke and this fellow both work for Ventia which is the main organization on the base.
Right after that we headed over to the residence area of the base and looked at the rooms some of the people stay in. Once again there was someone who talked to us about the rooms and a bit about how the cleaning crew work. Right after that we headed over to the sport and rec area and someone showed us around the gym and swimming pool. He also gave us a little background about how he got there and the pathways he took to get there.
Right after that we headed over to one of the hospitality areas on base where once again someone showed us around the kitchen and explained how it all functioned and worked although I don’t know if any of us can remember much about that part of the tour considering we were about to get an awesome lunch. If you ask Beau, he will tell you it was the best part of the day.
After we were all done, we then all said our goodbyes and made the long trip home. Thank you to Mr. G and Robyn for doing the long drive, and thanks to Robyn and Mrs. Woodman for organising the event.
Declan Henry
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Mr P’s Secondary PE Student of the Week is:
Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the fortnight is:
Miss Milne and Mr Pettifer, Sports Coordinators
Semester 1 Reports
Change to Reports for Semester 1 for students in Foundation to Year 10
Over the past year the college has reviewed our reporting practices. This process commenced with asking for parent/guardian feedback during term 2 of last year. Over the past year, we have also investigated different approaches to reporting and have designed a report format that best meets the needs of our students and parents/guardians.
Parents/Guardians will find the new format easier to read, easier to locate information about your child’s performance and areas for future development within a subject. Parents/Guardians will be able to identify a student’s attitude to learning within the class across a number of areas.
Students will continue to be assessed against the Victorian Curriculum standards and outcomes. Parents and Guardians will clearly see their child’s level of attainment and the progress made from 6 previous.
All students across the college will be assessed against the same Attitudes to the Learning framework. The 5 areas are: Active Learning, Behaviour, On Time and Ready to Learn, Work Completion and Interacting with others.
There will be a 5-level scale for all attitudes to learning which are as follows:
EXCELLENT - The student has demonstrated this attitude at every instance.
VERY GOOD - The student has demonstrated this attitude most of the time.
GOOD – The student is demonstrating this attitude some of the time.
ACCEPTABLE – The student has made satisfactory effort in demonstrating this attitude.
NEEDS ATTENTION – The student needs to make a greater effort in demonstrating this attitude.
Teachers will also make an assessment against key skills that have been covered across the semester. These skills will be unique to the subject and class for that particular year level.
The Learning Skills scale students will be assessed against is as follows:
OUTSTANDING – The student has demonstrated this skill consistently, is able to help others develop the skill, and/or is able to apply the skill in a variety of contexts.
EXCELLENT – The student has demonstrated this skill regularly and is able to apply it in other contexts.
VERY GOOD – The student has been able to demonstrate this skill on multiple occasions.
GOOD - The student has demonstrated this skill on several occasions.
SATISFACTORY – The student has a basic understanding of the skill.
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT – The student is making progress towards understanding this skill.
UNSATISFACTORY – The student has not mastered the skill.
NA – This skill does not apply to this student
There may be particular students who are working above or below the expected level. For these students, the teacher will specifically identify the level the student is being assessed.
Mr Fowles
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.