Principal's Message

Mr Forrest

Thank you for Semester 1

It is hard to believe that at the end of next week we will have finished Semester 1 for 2024. There have been many highlights and most importantly lots of valuable student learning. 

Hopefully we have passed the worst of the flu season. It certainly tested  us out for a while over the past month.   Let's hope the weather improves after the school holidays so that we can enjoy  football, netball & hockey finals.  

School reports will be sent home next week and I encourage all parents to read them and share with students.  Please seek clarification if you are unsure about anything in the reports.    

Term 3 is shaping up to being another busy term with Learning Conversations and the House Athletics derby between Ansett V Jacka in week two.

Have a great holiday break, stay safe and keep warm. We look forward in catching up on July 15 when school resumes. 


Building Update

The first pathways for the new wheelchair ramps have been poured at the front of the school, with more concrete being poured on Friday. The foundations for the new secondary toilet block and science room have started with the new deck outdoor eating area to be poured over the next month.  


The KLC will be closed at the end of this week to enable renovation works to commence. There will be fencing erected and restricted areas put in place around the KLC.     A temporary toilet block will available for secondary students to use for the next 4 to 5 months and  is expected to be delivered in the next few days. 

It will be an interesting watch over the next few weeks to see how the works progress.


From the start of Term 3. carparking will only be available from the gateway next to the portable buildings towards the netball courts as there will be times when a large crane may be working on the KLC.  This also means that classes in the music room and the DISS building will have to be relocated for a while.   

Next Week - Last Day of Term 2

A reminder that it will be a full school uniform day on the last day of term as we are on show to visitors and the wider community.   School finishes at 2:30pm on the last day.

Waht is going to be here?
New flags have arrived in time!
Waht is going to be here?
New flags have arrived in time!

Wedderburn College 25 Years Celebration 

We would like to extend an invitation to interested families and past students  to attend our special 25-year Anniversary Celebration of Wedderburn P-12 College. This event is scheduled for Friday 28th June 2024, starting at 10:00a.m. in the front garden area of Wedderburn College. This is the last day of Term 2.


 Draft Program - Subject to change. 

10:00 a.m.    Welcome to Country Uncle Rick 

                        Story Telling & Digeridoo by Uncle Ron

                        Musical item School Students

                        Opening & Dedication of new Indigenous Mural 

                        Speech by Tobie Cameron mural artist & student presentations


10:45  a.m.                Morning Tea


11:20 a.m.                 School 25 Year Celebrations, & Speeches

                                     SWPBS Gold - Celebration

                                     Opening of 25 Year Logo, Cutting of Cake   


12:00 p.m.                 Special Guests School Tour/Open Day for Parents & Friends 


12:30 p.m.                  Lunch for Special Guests


1:00 p.m.                    BBQ Lunch for students.

2:30 p.m.                    Early finish last day of term


Please RSVP for catering by the 24th of June 2024 if you can attend on 5494 3011.

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