Wellbeing & Thrive

Leadership Begins Here

Anabelle — Green Team Leader


What is your dream job?

My dream job is to become a Veterinarian, because I would like to care for animals.

Could your leadership role help you in the future?

I believe that my leadership role won’t be very useful for my future. Although it could teach me how to plant some vegetables and fruits, my career won’t need to plant plants around my garden.

What fruit do you like to plant the most?

I like to plant strawberries the most, because they are delicious and strawberries look pretty and fit my feelings. 


Fraser — Green Team Leader


Why do you want to become a Green Team Leader?

I want to become a Green Team Leader because I want to take care of our environment and stop global warming, climate change and pollutants.


If You could, would you stay in Holy Family forever?

If I could, I would like to stay in Holy Family forever. I love helping teachers to do chores everywhere and taking care of Kindy and also being a helpful student around the school.

What would you do if you had $1000?

If I have $1000, I would like to use it to buy different decorations for school to make it look wonderful and better. This will allow more children to come to Holy Family and to stay for Year Five and Six.

Have a safe and happy weekend


Melissa Overton   

Wellbeing Coordinator