Physical Education
Physical Education Newsletter
Students in Prep have been working collaboratively in physical education activities to complete movement challenges. Through engaging activities such as musical numbers and varied relay races, we have seen the students understand the importance of encouraging one another, taking turns and sharing our PE equipment.
Grade 1 & 2
Students in Grade 1 and 2 have been constructing and performing movement sequences. Through various physical education activities, students have been moving their bodies at different speeds and directions. This week, we introduced the students to Gymnastics and it has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm as we have engaged in the basic skills of Gymnastics. The students have learnt to land safely when springing from one position to another, as well as balancing on the beam, pencil rolls, egg rolls and tuck sit.
Grade 3 & 4
In Grade 3 & 4 we have concluded our Netball unit. In our final lesson, the students engaged in discussions about the rules and positions played in Netball before splitting into two teams and playing a fun filled Netball game. This week, we have been exploring how we can use our effort (accelerate and decelerate) to perform different movements and improve the way we move.
Grade 5 & 6
Students in Grade 5 & 6 have been investigating how physical activity improves our physical, social and mental health. Through individual and group games, we reflected on the effects that physical activity can have on our overall health and wellbeing.
Interschool Sports
Unfortunately, students did not get the opportunity to compete in the summer sports lighting Prem due to poor weather last Tuesday the 11th of June. However, the placings and who proceeds into division was determined by the weekly interschool sports rounds each Friday. Grayling is excited to announce that out of the 10 sports we finished 1st twice and came 2nd (runners up) three times. I congratulate these teams on their hard work and dedication to improve themselves. I wish the Volleystars and Netball girls teams all the best when they compete in division in Term 3 and 4.
Netball Girls (1st) Volleystars Girls (1st)
Volleystars Boys (2nd) Cricket Boys (2nd)
Soccer Girls (2nd)