Year 3 News

From Hannah, Year 3 teacher


Dreamtime stories

We have been learning about Aboriginal culture. We have recently been focusing on the importance of Dreamtime/Creation stories. Students were asked to watch a Dreamtime story and retell it in their own words with pictures, either by hand or on their iPads. Below is some of our work.


By Clem

I created this comic. It is about an eagle who created the land but he wanted to leave so he and his family went to the stars in a big gust of wind. I’m proud of it because I took my time on making the comic.


By Aryn

I learned about Aboriginal culture through videos. We also watched videos of Dreamtime stories such as Tiddalik. I like OLA because I enjoy recreating Dreamtime stories and learning about Aboriginal culture. Tiddalik is the story of a small frog who drank all the water up and grew very big and about some animals who tried to make Tiddalik laugh.