Kitchen & Garden News

From Erin, Kristen R & Tess, SAKGP team 

Welcoming Winter Menu: Herb polenta chips, roasted potatoes and homemade tomato sauce

5A Recipe Reflections


First we cut the potatoes into cubes, then we prepared the ingredients. We used a knife and other tools to perfect the recipe. I enjoyed brushing the oil on the polenta chips. 

By Tasha



Recipe: Homemade Tomato Sauce

First we grated the apple. Then we finely chopped the garlic and onion. We used a pot to make it hot. I enjoyed cutting the garlic and onion. 

By Olivia


First we set up the ingredients and started to chop the potatoes into smaller pieces. Then we added the seasoning to the potatoes. We used bay leaves, thyme and parsley. I enjoyed stirring the tomato sauce.

By Anon


Dear Potatoes, 

It was a good session. We learnt individual skills and finely chopped and diced into small pieces. I enjoyed cooking the potatoes.

Sincerely Isa


First we prepared the potatoes and the herb polenta chips to go in the oven. Then we made the sauce, cleaned our workbench and did our dishes.  We used our knife skills to make the chips, sage, salt and tomato sauce. I enjoyed eating.

By Anon