From the Office

School Holidays
Nossal High School Offices will close 3:00pm on Friday 28 June and reopen at 8:00am Monday 15 July 2024.
Enjoy your holiday break and we look forward to seeing all of our students back in Term 3.
Office Hours: Normal
Administration Office: 8.00am – 4.00 pm
(Office opens until 2:00pm on Wednesdays)
Office Hours: Last Day of Term
Last day of Term Office Hours: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Contact Us
Telephone: 8762 4600
Student Absence: 8762 4600 and follow the prompts.
A reminder for our students:
Please ensure that you are on time and in uniform each day. If for any reason you are late arriving to school, please ensure you check in on the Compass Kiosk outside the Communications Office (located opposite Food Tech) and receive a late pass from the Attendance Officer (located in First Aid).
If you are contacting the school about an absence, the preferred option is via email as opposed to a phone call.
If you are leaving a phone message, we would be grateful if you could include the student code so that we can be sure that we are updating the record of the correct student.
Student Entrance to School
A reminder that students are to enter and exit the school building via the canteen and not the front office. If you are late or leaving early, please sign in or out via the Compass Kiosk outside the Communications Office (located opposite Food Tech). Please do not use the Compass Kiosk at Reception as the Reception Kiosk is for guests only.
First Aid
If your student feels sick or is generally unwell, please do not send them to school until they are well enough to return.
Medical Certificate
Please remember to provide a medical certificate for their absence and to enter this on Compass.
Sickbay Triage
If your student is unwell, they are to attend sickbay and our First Aid Officer will contact parents. Students should not call their parents on their mobiles during school hours to arrange collection.
Asthma Action Plan
If your student is an asthmatic, please provide our school with a new or updated Asthma Action Plan. Please contact Ms Gayle Redfern in First Aid.
Change of Details
Mobile or email address
If you have changed your mobile number or email, please login and update your details on Compass.
Address or medical information
If you have changed your home address or medical information, please email the school and we will update these details on your behalf.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
2024 Applications for CSEF close on Friday 28 June. School will not be able to accept CSEF applications after this date.
If you are the holder of a Centrelink Health Care Card, download a copy of the CSEF form at or contact the front office to collect an application form.
Parent Contributions and Instrumental Music Payments
We invite you to visit the Compass Portal under your parent code which outlines the 2024 Parent Contributions relating to your child’s learning. If your student is attending Instrumental Music Lessons, please log into Compass and make your payment as soon as possible.
Please view the 'How to Guide's' below:
- Compass Pay Billing - Pay in Full - How to guide
- Compass Pay Billing - Payment by Instalments - How to guide
Please feel free to contact the office if you require any further assistance.