What's coming Up

Kate Whitford




Lions Public Speaking

Congratulations to Lacy & Bill who represented our school at the Lions Public speaking event yesterday. They both delivered a well planned presentation outlining a person who inspires them and why. Well done to Lacy who came runner up in the Grade 5/6 division.


Semester 1 reports will be available on Thursday 27th June via XUNO. 

If you require a printed copy, please contact the office.


Pancake Breakfast Friday 28th 

To celebrate the end of a busy term  we are holding a Pancake Breakfast for students and their families starting at 8:30am on June 28th (We will also have a coffee van available for the adults!). Pancakes free, coffee's at a cost.


Our P-2 Students have invited their Grandparents in for some fun activitiesstraight after the breakfast.


End of Term Two

Friday 28th June is the end of Term Two.  Students will be dismissed at 2.20pm.  

Their Care will provide care for students from 2.20pm.


Beginning of Term Three

The first day of Term Three is Monday 15th July.


Curriculum Day

Friday 2nd August is the next Curriculum Day. Students do not attend school on this day. Staff will be attending Day 2 of the BSEM - Berry Street Training.



School Fundraising 

Our newly formed fundraising subcommittee has been busy working on a plan for fundraising activities for the remainder of the year. 

Shancakes Cookie Drive: Students received information today explaining how to order cookie packs. All order forms & money will be due Friday 26th July.

Monster Raffle: Early next term we will launch our 'Rochester Primary School Monster Raffle' with great prizes such as RBN vouchers, kitchen goods, Lego, Yeti items, Sporting equipment, Shanscakes basket/voucher. Families will be encouraged to sell and purchase tickets. All funds raised will go towards supporting students, programs and activities at our school.


Prep enrolments for 2025 - Due now

Prep enrolments for 2025 are are due at the end of this term. If you know of families interested in attending Rochester Primary School in 2025, please encourage them to contact the school ASAP. 




Kate Whitford