Performing Art

Mrs. Brigid Malcolm

Performing Arts News


This term we have had been busy exploring the topic of Drama. 


Foundation/One/Two students have been creating their own characters and sets. With this they rehearsed and performed short shows to their peers. This week Grade 2/3 students explored a story of the Chinese Dragon and created their own puppets for a retell of the legend, adding musical sound effects to their performance. All students in Grade Foundation, One and Two have also been busy exploring the narrative ‘How To Catch A Star’. This was followed by a wonderful excursion to the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre last week.


Grade Three/Four students have been busy researching and rehearsing items for their magic shows. These shows will be performed to their peers at the end of the term. We can’t wait to see the performance. Later this term they will join the senior students and participate in a free drama workshop presented by The Monkey Barr Theatre company. 


On July 26th students in Grade 3/4/5/6 will watch the company perform ‘The Peasant Prince’ at the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre.



Finally, the senior students have been busily rehearsing their performance item for Sandhurst Arts On Show. This year we are presenting a dance to the song ‘Dance The Night Away’. We have been rehearsing choreography, planning stage direction and costumes to add to our performance. Students will be participating in a workshop on June 18th at school with the A3 company exploring vocals, drama and dance.


Have a wonderful week,


Brigid Malcolm