Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Dear Families,


We have had another busy few weeks here at Our Lady's with many things to celebrate!! Firstly, on behalf of St. Vinnie's we would like to thank all families who were able to support the call for donations. We were very proud to donate so many items to the Vinnie's Winter Appeal. A huge thank you to Mrs. Malcolm for organising this fundraiser along with the beautiful Mass we were able to attend together as a school last Friday. Thank you also to all families who came along to celebrate this Mass with us.


A huge thank you to all families who were able to support our students at the Division Cross Country event on the 5th of June. Congratulations to: Maddy, Harry, Shailla, Henry, Finn & Nathan who represented our school proudly on the day. These students ran with determination and supported each other throughout the event so well done!


On the 30th of May, our Grade 5/6 students headed off to Galen Catholic College to participate in our first every Student Voice Forum. This initiative has come from our involvement in the Respectful Relationship Program. Our Lady's, together with St. Bernard's Wangaratta, St. Patrick's Wangaratta, St. Joseph's Beechworth & St. Joseph's Chiltern spent the day together learning about Respectful Relationships. The students were lead by Grade 6 leaders from the above schools along with Year 9 students from Galen Catholic College. Thank you Galen for hosting such an amazing experience for us! A special thank you to our Grade 6 Leaders who bravely led this day; Catherine, Leo, Bonnie & Annabelle you led with courage and strength. 



Just a reminder as the weather gets cooler, if your child is sick we do ask that you keep them home. Bugs and germs spread very quickly in the school environment so the healthier everyone is, the better. 


PUPIL FREE DAY - Monday June 24th 2024


Staff will be undertaking a Professional Practice day on Monday June 24th - this will be a PUPIL FREE DAY for all students.


Our teaching staff are busily preparing for the end of the term with assessment and reporting. Reports for Semester 1 will come out at the end of the term. If your child is away on the final day of term, we will post your report. An opportunity to meet with your child's classroom teacher will be offered early in Term 3. Please stay tuned for further information about this in coming weeks.



