EHS Houses
Students of Elderslie High School, get excited! The second year of School Houses are up and running and we are calling on ALL students to seek to push for their personal best in all areas of learning, extra-curricular and activities around the school to earn House Points.
2023 was a HUGE success! With the introduction of the Five Teams, with the names selected by students and staff, we are proud of the achievements by all of our community to get involved in pushing this competition amongst staff and students.
As we enter 2024, EHS School Houses have already become BIGGER and BETTER. The War-Cries, the outfits and the SPIRIT was clearly displayed at the first Carnival for the year, and we are looking forward to what the students plan next.
Students can earn House Points in a variety of ways - including outstanding participation in class and learning spaces, excelling and representing the school in Sport, CAPA, Agriculture, Lunchtime Clubs or through Gifted Programs. Students can earn 1, 5 and 10 individual House Points through acts of School Excellence - whether this be through attaining personal best inside and outside the classroom, attendance improvement, academic results, or outstanding School Representation.
Just a reminder of the following students who hold the House Captain and Vice Captain roles respectively:
Kookaburras: Joel C, Francisco A, Zeldon B and Taylah B
Lyrebird: Will D, Wil F, Kathy G and Alex H
Merino: Blake L, Lana L, Dylan L, Diana M
Bluetongue: Aaron P, Kim R, James O and newly announced Mason P
Razorback: Ene S, Olivia S, Dylan T and Nika S
They have already assisted in creating a positive and competitive Swimming Carnival - with MERINO winning the FIRST HOUSE RELAY RACE!!! Well done to Kookaburras who took home the Trophy - winning by 4 points!
House Captains are currently working towards organising their first in-school competition - occurring Week 9 - The Push Up Challenge for Mental Health. Students who participate in Week 9 will earn House Points, with winners earning themselves Canteen Vouchers. SO, get ready to PUSH-UP!
Well done!