From the Front Office
Administration Hints & Tips
Please refer to your child’s Student Diary for the correct procedure for the following. Our school diaries are a great resource for our students with important information, bell times, staff directory etc. By following these procedures, we can ensure the smooth running of our school.
If student is late for school:
A note is to be provided by the parent explaining reason. Student to report to Student Office with note to obtain a late slip before class.
If student is leaving early:
A note to be provided by parent/carer explaining the reason and time student is to be collected. Student will need to have their note approved by the Deputy Principal or the Sports Co-ordinator (Wednesdays.) This needs to be done BEFORE Roll Call in the morning. Permission over the phone for your child to leave early will not be accepted.
Sick Bay:
If a student is sick, they should advise their teacher and come to the Student Office where staff will contact their parents should they need to go home. The person collecting the student must be an emergency contact on our system.
Payments can be made online, with access from the school website.
Student Absences:
Advise the school, provide a note and/or medical certificate on return.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Mrs Susan Solah
School Administration Manager