From the Deputy 


Mr Sambuco (Relieving Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10)

It has been a fantastic opportunity to be relieving as the Deputy Principal for Term 1. I have been so impressed with how settled, focused and mature Year 7 have been. This has also been acknowledged by all of their teachers around the school and it has been my main priority to support this cohort and try to ensure we maintain the wonderful standard which has been set. I have been looking to reinforce the positive efforts and attitudes of Year 7 by issuing 2 awards to each class each week and this is truly the highlight of my job being able to go around and acknowledge the fantastic students at EHS. 


Year 10 have made a strong start to the year. They are currently deeply focused in their various assessment tasks and making the necessary step up into the workload and expectation of a Year 10 student. For many of our students, this year is also pivotal as they start to explore their post-school options. With work experience and training opportunities on offer, our students are extremely well supported when it comes to helping them decide what career path they will want to pursue. The addition of a new careers lesson each fortnight will further reinforce the skills and knowledge all students will require when it comes time to find work or future educational opportunities. As parents and carers, now is an important time to start those discussions so you can be a positive support to your child. 


I look forward to working with these year groups in my various roles throughout 2024 and am excited by the prospect of seeing many wonderful achievements from all of our students in 2024.


Mr Sambuco

Relieving Head Teacher, Years 7 & 10

Mrs Amos (Deputy Principal, Years 8 & 11)

Term 1 has been a very successful start for students in Year 8 and 11. They have settled well into their classes and made the most of their learning opportunities. 


Year 8 

Students in Year 8 have made a great start to the year and are enjoying the opportunity to study new subjects like the Project Innovate lessons where they focus on developing their skills in collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication. All classes are continuing to implement our Elderslie Lesson Framework with clear, predictable routines to support students to engage in their learning. 


Year 11 

Our Year 11 students are enjoying their subjects and after a few weeks of movement, they have finalized their courses and completed their NESA Confirmation of Entries for the Preliminary year. Throughout Weeks 8, 9 and 10 they completed their first assessment period and students coped well with the demands of their senior workload. Now is a good time to remind all students and families that they must comply with the Assessment Guidelines as outlined in the booklet issued earlier in the term (and available on the school website) This is especially important if they are absent or know they will be away on an assessment due date.  


We hope all families have a restful break and we look forward to working in partnership with you next term. 


Mrs Amos 

Deputy Principal, Years 8 & 11

Mrs Siope (Relieving Deputy Principal, Years 9 & 12)

It has been an eventful and productive term for both Year 12 and Year 9 students, filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences.


Year 12 Highlights:

Year 12 students have exhibited resilience and dedication as they navigate through their final year of schooling. We commend their hard work and commitment to academic excellence. 


This term, students have been actively engaged in preparing for assessments, completing coursework, and participating in various extracurricular activities. 


Our Year 12 cohort has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, serving as role models for their peers and actively contributing to the school community. As we approach the midpoint of the academic year, we encourage Year 12 students to maintain their focus and determination as they strive towards their academic goals.


Year 9 Achievements:

Throughout the term, Year 9 students have demonstrated enthusiasm and curiosity in their studies, exploring new subjects and developing essential skills for their future academic endeavors. We have witnessed remarkable growth in their personal and academic development, and we are confident that they will continue to excel in the coming terms.


Looking Ahead:

As we look ahead to Term 2, we encourage you to continue to engage with your child's education, communicate with teachers, and support them in their academic journey. Together, we can empower our students to reach their full potential and achieve success.


Once again, thank you for your partnership and dedication to your child's education. We wish you a restful and enjoyable break and look forward to continuing our journey together in the upcoming term.


Mrs Siope 

Relieving Deputy Principal

Years 9 & 12