TAS Faculty  

Elderslie High School Cold Drink Cafe

Year 12 Hospitality students are currently running the Elderslie High School Cold Drink Cafe for staff at morning tea on Tuesdays. This allows the students to demonstrate their non-alcoholic beverage preparation skills to make a range of refreshing drinks. This provides the teachers with a little pick me up that may be needed. The drinks on offer include iced coffees, milkshakes, frappes and smoothies. Interacting with customers is a requirement of the Hospitality course and students can practise their skills within this simulated environment. Students are doing a fantastic job and there have been many positive comments from the staff. Well done to all students involved. 


Year 7 Technology Mandatory

Year 7 have been busy engaging in the Materials Technology unit where they are producing a range of needle-felted products. The students engaged in learning about the wonderful world of wool and the process it takes from the farm to the fibres they are using today. The design brief requires students to design and produce a needle-felted magnet or keyring of their choice. Year 7 has done a great job producing unique and creative products whilst enjoying learning the new skill of needle felting. 



Mrs Castelli

Classroom Teacher