Harmony Day

Harmony Day Great Ryrie PS 2024
Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.
It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Great Ryrie Primary School will be hosting a Harmony day celebration and disco.
When: Thursday 21st March
What: Wear cultural attire or dress in orange to help show your support of inclusivity and respect for everyone.
Why: It’s Harmony day and because Disco’s are better with colour
Where: At Great Ryrie PS- teachers will host a Harmony day experience in class throughout the week and Disco’s will be hosted from 2pm on the Thursday until 6pm depending on year level. (More information to come through Compass)
You have more questions: Reach out to your child’s classroom teacher or Mr Warren-Smith in 3C for more information.