From the Senior Leadership

Dear Staff, Parents and Carers,
In 2024 we remain focused on the importance of promoting high expectations in all that we do in our college community.
Goal Setting
Embarking on a new school year provides an excellent opportunity to establish meaningful goals for personal and academic growth. Setting goals not only enhances your focus but also helps shape the kind of student you aspire to become.
All students in Years 7 - 12 have been asked to set personal learning goals in each of their subjects and measure their growth during each unit of work. To ensure their goals are both attainable and inspiring, they should consider the following SMART criteria.
SPECIFIC: Make goals as detailed and specific as possible. Avoid vague goals like ‘I want to do better in Maths’, instead make them very detailed and specific. Exactly what do you want to achieve?
MEASUREABLE: A crucial aspect of goal-setting is having a way to measure your progress. Define clear indicators that signal achievement, enabling you to track your success along the way. This could involve setting specific targets, such as achieving a certain grade or completing a set number of tasks.
ACTION-ORIENTED: Your short-term goals should be the action steps you need to take to achieve the medium and longer-term goals.
RELEVANT & REALISTIC: Goals change, so if your goal is no longer relevant, you need to change it too. Although your goals should stretch you beyond your comfort zone, they need to still be based in reality. Create challenging goals by all means, but not totally unrealistic ones.
TIME-BASED: Your goals need to have a ‘to complete by’ date to give you something to aim for. Assigning deadlines to your goals provides a sense of urgency and direction.
Students can learn more about goal setting and many other topics to help them achieve their best at school at, logging in with these details: Username: forccconly Password: 55results
We invite you to have a conversation with your daughter about her learning goals and encourage her to continue to be self-reflective, seek feedback from her peers and teachers and seek ways to grow further.
We would like to congratulate the students from Year 7 and other year groups who attended our swimming carnival on Tuesday 20th February. Our Year 12 House leaders in conjunction with their fellow year 12 students led the house groups with lots of enthusiasm, cheering the girls across all age groups building house and school spirit. The students in the Year 9 PASS classes did an outstanding job working with staff to ensure the smooth running of events.
Thank you to Mr McIlveen, Mrs McElroy, Mrs Muscat and members of the PDHPE staff for their organisation of the carnival and to all of the other staff members who attended for their participation and support of students.
Congratulations to all of the students that attended the carnival, particularly our Year 7 students. They are all to be highly commended for their participation and positive engagement in building school spirit.
Congratulations to Jackson House on winning the carnival!
Next week our Year 10 students will attend the Urban Challenge. This is a two day program filled with fun and adventure, where the students will be involved in an unfolding journey taking them around the Sydney CBD and surrounding suburbs. One of the aims of this activity is to help students develop resilience in a couple of areas. While safely supervised by teachers and Urban Challenge staff, students will be responsible for the decisions they make about navigation, responding to challenges and managing their funds for food and drink. The students will learn about teamwork, self-sufficiency and leadership. They will also develop the skill of learning to work with students they may not know well. This is a skill which will be invaluable to them as they enter workforces and further education beyond the relatively comfortable environment of school. We wish Mrs Roche, Mr Carozza and the Year 10 Homeroom team all the very best as tyhey embark on this exciting adventure.
Ms Debbie White
Assistant Principal