Jo Henselwood
Jo Henselwood
Grade 2
Konnichiwa! Grade 2S students have spent the term perfecting their Japanese greetings, emerging themselves in Japanese classroom etiquette, and learning how to count. Many of them can now recognise their names written in Japanese Katakana, and some can write them, too. We also learned about how Japanese numbers are written in Kanji: 一二三四五六七八九十。Very impressive!
Grade 3
We have been exploring the story Brown Bear by Eric Carle, in Japanese. The students were able to read the story with only Japanese hiragana characters to assist them (and their memories!). They have added to their prior knowledge of colours in Japanese, by using the colour to describe and animal.
Grades 4, 5 and 6
Students have been busy researching Mt Fuji and learning some Japanese vocabulary and sentences to describe it. They finished the term by creating their own version of Mt Fuji, however they chose, then writing about it in Japanese. There was a diverse range of interpretations, including clay, digital, drawings, sculptures, and volcanic explosions using diet coke and mentos. SUGOI!
We have had a lot of fun with language this term.
Arigatou gozaimasu!
Jo Henselwood