Talk Money Incursions

Year 8 Humanities - Talk Money Incursion - Spending and Saving Money

The incursion consisted of two workshops focused on spending and saving choices, how decisions now can affect future finances and how conscious consumers can positively impact people and the planet.


 In workshop A students were supported to manage influences on saving, spending and payment options and how to align spending choices with their goals, values and beliefs.


‘Our presenter, Jake, talked to us about choices to make when spending. He discussed with us what we would do if everything in the world cost one dollar, and we all had three dollars to spend.

Jake also talked about the “Double-no 7” strategy - ‘Know yourself and what you value, know how to say “No”. Give yourself 7 seconds to think about your purchase choices.’

JP Gevaux 8B



In workshop B students explored how to make goals achievable and how to develop savings strategies to help manage spending influences and achieve future goals.

Karl from the Talk Money foundation came and taught the Year 8s about spending and saving money. We learnt about different ways to save money like ‘Rounding up’ and ‘Swapping’. 

We also looked at examples of people who are saving up for items and discussed strategies that the person could spend less on in order to save money like making your own lunch rather than eating out. We recapped the ‘Double No 7’ tactic from workshop A which helps us prevent overspending. The ‘STAR’ (Separate, Track, Account and Remind) is a very useful way to make and use a budget. 

All in all the Talk Money workshop was a very enriching experience that helped many of us to be more smart about saving and spending money.

Krish Hanagal 8B


Melanie Mattsson

Humanities Learning Area Leader