Morning Tea

Morning Tea
We are excited to announce that on Wednesday, 27 March we will be hosting a morning tea in the staff room from 9:00 am. All are welcome to pop in and meet other GPS parents and volunteers. Members of our leadership team will also talk about opportunities to become more involved at school for those who are interested.
We are planning a relaxed and informal event so RSVP is not expected but will be appreciated for catering purposes. Toddlers are welcome.
Are you interested in becoming more involved in our school community? We would love to meet you! Volunteers are an integral part of our school community and provide valuable assistance in the canteen, classroom, the Resource Centre, at the Breakfast Club, stalls, on committees or as parent helpers at sporting events. It doesn't need to be a big commitment, even if you can only help out occasionally you are still welcome to join our community of volunteers.
Interested? Join us for morning tea in the staff room on Wednesday, 27 March at 9 am or contact Mel for further information.
Volunteer Training
New to volunteering? No worries! Register for the next training session on Tuesday, 26 March at 5:00 pm or use the below registration form to indicate a time that would suit you better.