Learning Update
Early Years
We have had a smooth start to the year and students from the 13 block have enjoyed getting to know their classes and new teachers. The year one students from 1306 have been great role models and leaders for all foundation students. We have been learning our class routines and expectations and students have enjoyed exploring the iTime space. We have started our phonics, maths and writing programs and we look forward to all the learning to come.
In the year 1/2 classes, the teachers have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know their new students for 2024 and watching beautiful new friendships forming. They are practising new routines and expectations within our classes and how things may run differently. We are beginning to jump into learning through our consistent spelling program and maths units.
Primary Years
Year 2/3 classes have settled in well to the new year. We really enjoyed getting to know our new class friends. In English, we are focusing on persuasive writing. In Maths, we are focusing on place value and numbers. We were fortunate to receive a sporting school grant that enabled our primary years students to participate in lacrosse clinics in weeks 2 & 3. All students did an amazing job at learning new skills and the highlight was playing games against each other.
Year 4 / 5 classes have had a great start to the year working through many getting-to-know-you tasks and games. Students have settled in well and taken on their first challenge by making new friendships. In English, we have made a fabulous start at exploring what makes a strong persuasive text by identifying important language features within a text. In Maths, we have been developing our skills in place value by completing tasks and using our understanding within games. Finally, we have been discussing the importance of healthy lifestyle choices in Health. Wow! We have been busy.
Middle Years
It has been a great start to the year for the middle years classes where the students have been engaging in a variety of different learning activities. It has been awesome getting to know each class and we also enjoyed getting to meet so many families on our open night.
The students in year 4 have been learning about narrative and how authors use noun groups, verb groups, and speech to develop their characters and make their stories engaging to read.
Students in year 5 have begun exploring fantasy texts in English. Year 6 students have been looking at short stories and have enjoyed investigating techniques to evoke humour for readers. In week 3 we also began a visual arts unit in IBL exploring the wonderful art that can be seen throughout texts in our library. Students loved the opportunity to pick out artwork that they thought was interesting and find the similarities and differences between the styles. We have also started exploring ‘Pop Art’ in our own classes as well.
We also were lucky enough to have lacrosse clinics down on the oval where the students learnt a range of new skills. Although it was hot, the students loved preparing for the upcoming carnival. What a great start to 2024!
Performing Arts
Performing Arts has been an exciting place to be this term! Lisa has enjoyed getting to know everybody and would like to thank everyone for making her feel welcome. All classes have been working on belonging through drama games, developing and demonstrating musical concepts such as beat and pitch, and establishing routines and procedures. Most classes now have a band name and chant – ask them to show you!
The new foundation students have had a wonderful start with learning Japanese. They have been singing lots of songs and practising how to say hello and goodbye. All classes have been learning about the Year of the Dragon and some of the interesting things about Japanese Dragons.
All classes began the year with a focus on understanding what science is. Students then proceeded into activities surrounding the science area of earth and space.
Foundation students started observing and understanding weather types and patterns. Year 1-2 students began learning about the Earth and Sun’s features. Year 3-4 students started understanding the importance of water and where it is found on Earth. Year 5-6 students began learning about our solar system’s basic features.
Students have been participating in activities in preparation for sports day. Junior primary classes have been practising relays, dance, the parachute and obstacle course. Primary classes have been practising athletics events and relays.
Students in 401, 402, 404, 405, 1405, 1406, 1407 and 1408 are exploring and responding to ideas, practices and works of book illustrators and investigating how illustrations can enhance the purpose of books.