
Welcome back to the Art Room for 2024. I am excited to have Mrs Shave continue to join me in the Art Room this year, along with Mrs Ohis. Mrs Shave and I will be team teaching grades on Monday and Tuesday, while Mrs Ohis is in on Wednesday and I am in on Thursday and Friday each week.
During Term 1 our main focuses have been:
Prep: Establish rules, introduction to basic Colour Theory, Primary and Secondary colour identification and understanding.
Grade 1-3: Re-establish rules and revise the 7 Art Elements program. We will do this by looking at the artist Pete Cromer and drawing inspiration from his subject matter, painting techniques and style of collage to create a unique bird artwork.
Grade 4-5: Re-establish rules, introduce and set up their visual diaries and revise the 7 Art Elements program. We have done this through their front covers, drawing inspiration from Illuminated Letters. They have designed the cover using their initial, watercolour and a variety of fine liners to create a unique personalised artwork in their books.
Grade 6: Re-establish rules, continue with their Visual Diaries, Design and create a dilly bag for camp and revise the 7 Art Elements program. We have done this through their front covers, drawing inspiration from Illuminated Letters. They have designed the cover using their initial, watercolour and a variety of fineliners to create a unique personalized artwork in their books.
The Art Team
Di Derfi, Tan Shave & Jess Ohis