Grade Four

The Grade 4s have had a fantastic start to the year, settling in and learning new routines.
During English lessons, the students have been working on Poetry and being introduced to Reader’s/ Writer’s Workshop. They have enjoyed the creative element of poetry and learning the structure and features of Haiku poems, Limericks and Calligram poems. We have also been focusing on improving our handwriting and working towards earning our joining and pen licenses.
Maths lessons over the past few weeks have given the students the opportunity to explore place value. They have learned how to order and represent numbers through various maths games and activities. Students are currently being introduced to addition and subtraction methods and how to show their thinking.
As part of our Start Up program and our Integrated Studies unit ‘Identity’, students have had an opportunity to get to know their peers and work together to establish classroom relationships, rules and expectations. Students have investigated what makes up their identity and are working towards an in class project that showcases who they are as individuals.
The Grade 4 Team