What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | Grazia - For showing persistence this week, when writing on the dotted third lines. You tried very hard to form your letters correctly and neatly. Fantastic effort, Grazia! |
FAP | Giselle -For being a kind, thoughtful and helpful member of the class. Keep smiling and being you! |
FAM | Audrey -For engaging in research independently and writing a detailed information text about Lemurs. Amazing Audrey! |
1/2VS | Max -For always showing enthusiasm towards learning and being a confident communicator who shares wonderful ideas! |
1/2VB | Vivienne-For always looking out for those around you and making sure people feel included. Your kindness shines through everything you do. |
1/2VK | Daniel -For demonstrating leadership in 1/2VK and having a positive mindset each day. Keep it up, Dedicated Daniel. We are so lucky to have you as part of 1/2VK. Lillian -For showing courage during Book Week and happily acting in the story play. Your persistence when doing hard things does not go unnoticed. Keep it up, Legendary Lily. |
3/4BP | Sebastian -For your collaborative participation in our reading groups and making thoughtful comments about the text. Super Sebastian! Akira -For being a positive contributor , especially when sharing your thinking in Maths. Amazing Akira! |
5/6OS | Mia -For consistently demonstrating an incredible work ethic, and giving her best effort in everything she does particularly when sharing her knowledge of angles during our unit. Magnificent Mia! |
5/6MC | Audrey -For all the hard work and effort you have put into your magical narrative story, hope the rats like their cheese! Well done Audrey! |
5/6BZ | Dannte -For persistently using a protractor to measure different types of angles! Diligent Dannte! |
Maths | Alessandro - for your amazing work with dividing with money. You used efficient strategies and showed your great number sense. Well done Alessandro! |
It has been a very busy week in Foundation, as we prepare for our Celebration of Learning on Thursday 5th September between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
Last Friday was a very special as the school celebrated Father’s Day. The day started with a yummy breakfast. It was great to have our dads and granddads join us. An Assembly followed breakfast in the Hall. We all loved seeing the photos of our dads up on the screen. Lastly, our dads came into the Foundation learning spaces. Together, we worked with our dads to complete a variety of templates and a special word find our teachers had created, which listed the names of all of the Foundation dads. Some of us also had some fun playing different games with our dads. Who were the winners of the games, we wonder? We hope all dads had a lovely day yesterday celebrating with their families and that they enjoyed the special presents we made and those that we chose at the Father’s Day stall last Wednesday.
As inquirers, we also had time and opportunity to design a habitat we could create for an animal we were interested in. Some of us have made our habitats, and others will also have a chance to make their habitats this week. As readers and writers, we have unpacked different Information Reports over the past couple of weeks. We have written our own information reports, and we look forward to sharing them with our families on Thursday.
Dates to remember:
- Thursday 5th September- Foundation Celebration of Learning 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- Thursday 19th September- Footy Day and Hot Food Day (Hot Dogs and Jam donuts)
- Friday 20th September- 1:00 pm finish for the end of Term 3
We hope you all enjoy the week ahead and look forward to seeing you at our Celebration of Learning, which will be in the Foundation learning spaces from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 5th.
Have a wonderful week as we begin the season of Spring!
Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips and Alycia Marsico,
Foundation Team
YEAR 1/2
It's been an extraordinary week in the 1/2 learning space, filled with special activities such as making our Fathers and Special People gifts to show our gratitude for them, learning about ecosystems with Bella from CERES, and even having our special people in our learning space on Friday morning. A big congratulations to 1/2VS on hosting the assembly on Friday!
As researchers, we invited Bella from CERES into our classroom to teach us all about ecosystems and the different requirements of living and nonliving things. We explored habitats and the three requirements that constitute a habitat: shelter, food and water. Afterwards, we went outside to find resources to make a habitat for different insects and made insect hotels! We then explored different living things and engaged in dialogue, discussing the importance of bees, especially for our native Australian plants. Our incursion extended our understanding developed in Inquiry as we continue to look at systems and Literacy, where we have looked at information reports.
As mathematicians, we have been learning to represent and solve division stories. We will continue to develop our division skills throughout the remainder of the term. Last week, we started to build our understanding that dividing by two is halving the number. This week, we will be working towards sharing between many groups. We will use strategies such as skip counting, doubling, halving and multiplication facts to solve our division problems. You can incorporate division at home through dialogue and discussion when sharing food, toys or anything else. For example, how many would you each get if I shared twelve carrot sticks fairly with you and your brother?
On Friday morning, we welcomed dads, uncles, and grandfathers into the 1/2 learning space for a morning of fun and laughter. It was a joy to see the smiles on their faces as they engaged in different activities with us. Thank you to all Dads, uncles, and grandfathers for coming in and spending time with us. We hope you all had a lovely morning.
Congratulations to 1/2VS for leading a wonderful and heartfelt assembly. We are extremely proud of how confident and courageous each of you were!
1/2 Team
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis
YEAR 3/4
As a school community, we enjoyed the Lyneham High School Band Performance on Monday afternoon. It was a great experience to see the highschool musicians from Canberra performing disney hits and classic songs. Some of our students even got to join the band as conductors and percussionists!
As netizens, we engaged in a Life Ed Victoria Cyber Safety incursion on Wednesday and learned about the importance of being safe on the internet.
Here are 7 tips to help us stay safe online:
- Use devices with someone not alone
- Keep your personal information private
- Keep your messages safe and kind
- Only friend or add people online that you know
- If you see a picture or video you don’t like or makes you uncomfortable - turn it off or tell an adult
- Ask before you watch, download, install or buy anything
- Don’t ever meet up with an online person in real life
In small groups, we collaborated to choose a game or app that we use at school or home, and identified the risks and ways to be safe online.
Thank you, Donna, for a very informative session on being safe online.
As athletes, we began our AFL football clinics this week. We will be participating in these Australian Rules clinics over four weeks. We will be developing our footy skills and sportsmanship as we play. Our first session was a success!
As a school community, we celebrated Fathers' Day with our families in our learning spaces. Thank you to all those who attended and happy Fathers' Day to all the important men in our lives.
Have a lovely week!
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
YEAR 5/6
We hope you all had a wonderful weekend celebrating with our significant male figures in our lives!
We had a wonderful open morning for Father's Day. We kicked off the day with a hearty breakfast served by the Village Bakery. Dads and Granddads were all invited to enjoy delicious food and great company as we celebrate the incredible men who play such a vital role in our children’s lives. Following breakfast, we had a wonderful time at our Father’s Day Assembly.
Now, we have heard from our students that they have some of the cleverest, most intelligent and best dads out there! So, of course, we had to put them to the test! Whilst some of the 5/6 fathers joined their children at the STEM Showcase for Japanese Delegates, others became Detective Dads in our very own SLA Mystery Investigation! Think Cluedo/ Agatha Christie in this classic whodunit activity. It involved our students and dads using their investigative skills and keen eyes to find and solve clues to unravel the mystery. We are proud to say that many of our families were able to crack the case (Phew!) The morning ended with a Father’s Day Kahoot. We would like to extend our gratitude to all the Fathers and Male figures in our students' lives for all you do and for your attendance and participation in our activities. You are always welcome in the SLA!
In our mathematical thinking, we are beginning to learn about Division. As part of this learning we are exploring the connection with multiplication, fact families, equal groups, short division and making connections with fractions. As a way of tuning in to division, we engaged in the chocolate block division activity, this is where students needed to choose which set of chocolate blocks they would go to, so they could get the most chocolate.
On Friday, our girls' and boys' Softball teams, as well as our girls' Bat Tennis team, began practising for their Summer Interschool Sports Coburg District Finals, which are coming up over the next two weeks. We are so incredibly proud of not only our students' talent but also their sportsmanship and teamwork. We look forward to sharing their results with you.
What’s on this week:
Tuesday, 3/09 - Cyber Safety Incursion
Friday, 4/09 - 11:00 am Girls Bat Tennis Team Final @ Coburg West Primary School
We hope you have a wonderful week!
The 5/6 Team,
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut