Italian News

Benventi alle classe di italiano!



This term Grade Prep and Ones have been working on a unit about animals. They have had fun learning by playing ‘roll the dice’ animal games and singing ‘Tartaruga dove vai?”  a song about a little tortoise. They have also revised and practiced colour and numbers to 20. 


The link to the song is below. The students may enjoy singing it at home.


Grades 5 and 6 have been learning to speak and write sentences introducing and describing themselves and others, with a focus on the use of pronouns, verb conjugations, and adjectives. They have created a Google slide that showcases their learning and will be verbally presented to their class.


I look forward to seeing some of you around the school. 


Non vedo l’ora di vedervi!


Signora Bennett

(Italian teacher Grade Prep/ones/fives/sixes)