Mr. Justin Matt, Mr. Brad Vallance, Mr. Josh Willersdorf

Dear Parents, Guardians and students,


This term has flown by with remarkable student achievements and exciting events. Our Year 9 into Year 10 Information Evening and Course Counselling was a significant success, with approximately 60 student interviews conducted on Friday, August 16th. A special thank you to Alana Collier for her leadership in organizing the interviews and ensuring all documentation was in place.


Book Week was a true highlight, with both students and staff embracing their creative sides and dressing up, making it a day filled with fun and imagination. Science Week, led by Amy Wilson, was equally successful, featuring hands-on activities that provided students with enriching and memorable learning experiences. A special thanks to our hardworking Science team for organizing the VSSEC CanSat program, where students worked closely with Emma, extending their classroom learning through various practical activities. We are grateful for the team's dedication in providing these valuable opportunities for our students.  We also ran a series of TAFE short courses, including the White Card, RSA, and First Aid, providing students with the opportunity to gain valuable skills and qualifications for their futures.


A reminder: Parent-Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Monday, September 9, 2024. Please make your bookings via Compass. These interviews are vital for strong communication between parents and teachers, offering an opportunity to discuss student progress and ensure that every student receives the support they need to succeed.


Our Snow Camp at Mount Buller was a tremendous success, with 24 students and four staff members attending. Many students experienced snow for the first time, making it a truly memorable and educational trip.


The Student Representative Council (SRC) and the Wellbeing Team worked together on a successful 'Bullying No Way' Day, raising awareness by selling orange pins and promoting anti-bullying efforts. In addition, Wear it Purple Day on Friday, August 30th celebrated the theme "Your Passion, Your Pride," reinforcing our commitment to creating an inclusive school environment where every student and staff member feels valued.


Our recent school review was a comprehensive effort, gathering input from over 20 parents, all staff, and several student focus groups and class observations. A big thank you to Phil Gourlay, our School Council President, for his involvement throughout the process. The findings from the 2020-2024 review will help shape our new strategic plan for the next four years, ensuring that our school continues to grow and improve.


On a safety note, students are reminded to exercise caution when crossing the road while walking to and from school. We’ve had a few near misses, and it’s essential to stay traffic-aware.


Finally, a reminder that R U OK? Day is coming up on Thursday, September 12, 2024. This day encourages important conversations and support for mental health within our school community.


Attendance Matters / Every day Counts It’s important to remember that every day counts when it comes to school attendance. Regular attendance helps students keep up with their schoolwork, build relationships, and gain essential skills. Even missing one day can disrupt learning, so we encourage everyone to strive for full attendance to maximise success.

Thank you all for your continued support!


Justin Matt

Executive Principal

Red Cliffs Secondary College